Author Thread: Is she still playing mind games or does she still have feelings for me?

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Is she still playing mind games or does she still have feelings for me?
Posted : 20 Feb, 2009 09:15 AM

Ok so back in June, I got with this awesome girl who was 17 at the time and is about to be 18 and I was 19 at the time. Anyways. We were best friends before we dated. But back to the story. The first 2 nights we dated, her parents let me stay over at her house, she shares a bedroom with her brother and he was out of town so I stayed with her in their room. The first night, we just sat up almost all night to get to know the other. The second night, we fooled around a tiny bit. Nothing I'm now proud of but we still did. Then a few nights later, she stayed over at my house. And things went a little farther and we ended up sleeping together. Then we began to do that more often. (we took each other's v-cards). Then, we got into our first big fight and we broke up. Well, we both still loved each other alot. We slept together again while not dating and then I realized the next day I had become a big jerk. SO I prayed to God and told him I'd honor him by not having sex again until marriage and pray with her every night if we could get back together. Well its that was August. The very very end of August comes and we reconcile and get back together she stays over and nothing happens. Well the following weekend, she stays over again and I ended up breaking my promise to God and we slept together. Well, that following weekend was supposed to be her homecoming weekend as we're now in September. One day that week she says she only wants to go to HC as friends because of her parents (long long story) mostly her dad. I was very hurt. That weekend, things were beginning to shape up but the bad part happened. I wanted to pray with her as I did every night and she said "no I am not a holy rolling Christian like you" we got into a fight. I said she wasn't Christian because of something else she said. Then homecoming day comes and I go to apologize and she trips out on me and uninvites me claiming "I called her evil and other things" which I never did. Then we break up and the next week she has a new guy who meets up to her parents expectations and then on Christmas night, while they were taking a break, we slept together and it seemed like we were going to get back together, but then BAM she's back with him. Well she still claims she doesn't know who she wants. And that if she gets with me, her father will beat her over and over again as before. Well I bring up this new girl, and she gets jealous when I say she's like her.

My question to you is does she still have feelings for me and want to be with me after she turns 18 or is she just playing mind games with me?

I apologize for a long boring story its a little bit my testimony now from where I've come from. Please help. Guys can answer too.

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Is she still playing mind games or does she still have feelings for me?
Posted : 21 Feb, 2009 12:01 AM about the wrong question.

Do you still have feelings for God? Or have you made this girl an idol?

If you want a girl's heart, you need to go through her Dad. He is responsible for her before God (whether he's a Christian or not), and it is flat out sin to dishonor her parents. If her Dad is against you for whatever reason, forget it. Pray about it, talk to the man and seek to be approved by him, but your role as suitor is to receive a girl's father's blessing, not hers. Girls do not know what they are doing at that age and while fornicating, especially one who does all this and then calls obedience to God "holy rolling" (this is not the kind of girl you should pursue, either! But you have made her an idol and have given your heart to her instead of God.). Of course she still has feelings for you-sex does that. And of course there is gamesmanship involved because whenever young people are bouncing around like rabbits, emotional swings are rampant. Our society has dating as a game where each person tries to be in control of the direction of the relationship. But your concern needs to be sacrificing your idolatry, repenting and finding a godly girl, not one like this! Do you see that?


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Is she still playing mind games or does she still have feelings for me?
Posted : 21 Feb, 2009 06:48 AM

Christian Guy,

AMEN!!! Very wise council.

God bless, Lydia

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Is she still playing mind games or does she still have feelings for me?
Posted : 21 Feb, 2009 10:30 AM


You have so much spiritual wisdom. Praise God for you! But I'm warn you, If you keep being so smart in what you speak in righteousness, and if you keep allowing the Spirit of the Lord to use you to speak such wisdom with godly understanding.... I know I'm old enough to be your grandmother, BUT, I think I just might have to ask you to marry me... oh!, geeeeet back Angel, Rose, and the rest of you ladies... including you Lydia... geeet on back! . :boxing::applause::yay::glow::ROFL:

Carl, Hopefully, what we post will help you, and you should listen to what we're all speaking to you and especailly, what David has said, because he is in you age grouping. So take heed and you will be able to overcome the thouhgts and pain of the emotionaly mess you're in. You ask the question: Is she still playing mind games or does she still have feelings for me?

Well, the question should be: Am I still playing mind games(deceiving) with myself, and why do I still have feeling for her?

David said it better than all of us could have expressed it. You're connected sexually with her, and as you state this was your first girl, so when you and she had sex, you and she become as one flesh... and even the more, since you were the virgin in this foolish love game.

Carl, Please take our counsel and go before God and truly repent so that He can make you whole again... keep it moving and forget this girl... this is going nowhere. Be smart!:winksmile:

If you truly repent God will remove even the thoughts of her from your mind, and when you see her, she will not have any effects on you... but it must be through your repentance that God will deliver you from the emotional connection.

May God bless you and deliver you.

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Is she still playing mind games or does she still have feelings for me?
Posted : 22 Feb, 2009 05:59 PM

they guy didnt like me because I was a little different and had physical limitations so forget him and he always abuses her for being my friend. Why should I have to get that kind of a guy's permission especially when 1. hes in and out of her life and 2. he really has no say in who she dates

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Is she still playing mind games or does she still have feelings for me?
Posted : 25 Feb, 2009 07:38 PM

but then BAM she's back with him. Well she still claims she doesn't know who she wants. And that if she gets with me, her father will beat her over and over again as before. Well I bring up this new girl, and she gets jealous when I say she's like her.

My question to you is does she still have feelings for me and want to be with me after she turns 18 or is she just playing mind games with me?

I apologize for a long boring story its a little bit my testimony now from where I've come from. Please help. Guys can answer too.

mind games (she is really) probably battling her own guilt of her choice of sleeping with you, Her dad,another guy, and if taught about fornication being wrong,that too. I hope you will take notes on your actions (being if it leads) you to giving in to fornication again. That you need to wait and get more understanding in how it can lead you to other things. You need to think on this choice and watch what is going on before you let go. Dont get in a hurry slow down your jumping in your choices way to soon. I think that fornication is not thought of wrong these days and gets to accepted as no big deal to handle. It is a big deal you are living it right now arent you? It was a bad move you need to understand that and ask for forgiveness (because it is wrong against God). He is a good teacher he lived a perfect life for you to live a perfect life as him and through forgivness and asking for help to walk like he walked is alive today. I hope you hear me and understand to learn to llive right and be taught to live the right life (in his word and spirit) you can live this way because of Jesus. Amen JOHN 3:16 ps remember the devil works on all of us with our past guilts Jesus lived a gultless life he does not have athourity over what Jesus had done for you. You have that choice now choose who you want ruling your life God or the Devil you will suffer if you choose sin thats the devils territory (sin) dont go entering a territory and get lost. Pray with someone find someone to pray with not sleep with first. I love you and would love to hear back that you prayed with some one not slept with someone....bluereyes

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