Author Thread: Why:

Posted : 15 May, 2008 06:19 PM

Why is it so hard to find a woman? You give them everything they ask for and the still dont want it. You ask for a God fearing man, that follows Gods word, and be in good shape. And it still not enought.

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Posted : 22 Jun, 2008 01:28 AM

Well, with my understanding of women, I know a woman wants a man who will shower her with respect, love and comfort...and she shouldn't have to ask for any of it.

A woman may say she wants a God-fearing, toned and fit bible-reader but ultimately she wants much more. She wants a protector, provider and lover. She wants a friend. She wants someone she can talk to about anything.

Not to offend you, but if you are having such a hard time finding a woman because you feel she can't be satisfied, then maybe the problem is you. When you meet a woman, listen to her. Find out what makes her who she is. The more you know about a woman, the less she has to tell you what she wants because you will already know. Naturally, you will satify her.

If you still can't find a woman, I suggest taking a trip to the local pet store for a puppy.

Good luck to you.

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