Author Thread: christian sects that still practice arranged marriages

christian sects that still practice arranged marriages
Posted : 12 Jan, 2017 12:06 PM

i am single and having a hard time looking for true love. it's harder on me cause i have a disability and don't get out much. also i live in a rural area and there's no places to meet women and also most are taken. and it seems the only single women around here are single moms,or women who have no morals. i am looking at many options,and one is,i am looking for any christian sect that still does arranged marriages,or at least has the church elders,or designated matchmakers find a woman for me to date and i no longer have to deal with the hardest part of dating. also i would like to her advice from people on if this may or may not be a good thing for me.

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christian sects that still practice arranged marriages
Posted : 13 Jan, 2017 11:47 AM

finding that Christian sect will be harder than find a wife yourself

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christian sects that still practice arranged marriages
Posted : 13 Jan, 2017 03:26 PM

like i have said before,it's hard for me cause of my disability. it seems even among christians,i am being judged. i guess women expect someone like those guys that on the bachelor and bachelorlette tv shows. a guy with at least 6 figures in his bank account,and looks like a hollywood star. you don't see any average guys on there. my faith had rotten and i can't seem to find someone who will share life's burdens with me. i have thought about doing two things. one find a nun to take care of my emotional and companionship needs. and for the other stuff,i'll find a college girl,career woman,single mom,or divorcee and get together from time to time.

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christian sects that still practice arranged marriages
Posted : 15 Jan, 2017 12:17 AM

like I have said before, you have clearly given up on finding a wife already. You don't need to repeat the same thing over and over. We get it.

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christian sects that still practice arranged marriages
Posted : 15 Jan, 2017 11:03 PM

it seems like i'll be lonely the rest of my life. so much for having a loving wife and family like a true christian and american should have. i can no longer call myself a christian,cause my faith has rotten.

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christian sects that still practice arranged marriages
Posted : 26 Feb, 2017 05:46 AM

Consider this : Your life may be bad in this world due to the disability and being unable to get married, etc. but at least don't ruin your eternal life. It's not worth spending eternity in hell over this. So, don't give up your Christian faith. You're going downhill fast. You need to see where this leads. Once you are in hell, you cannot change where you will be. But while you are here on earth, you can. So, at least, you are not "disabled" that sense. But once people check into hell, there is no way out. So, that's the ultimate disability. While you're living and breathing, you can turn your life around. While you might not be able to get married, you could still do a lot in this life. If you cannot get married, then you need to quit trying and stop thinking about it entirely. Shift your focus to something else. Start serving God. Help people. Volunteer or do something to get your mind off of this thing. Write music. Write sermons. Memorize the Bible. Go on a mission trip. You got to shift your focus. That's the only way out of this mess.

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christian sects that still practice arranged marriages
Posted : 1 Apr, 2017 10:09 AM

it's hard to live a lonely and celibate life. most of my friends and family are married and have had children. maybe i should join a plain christian sect,like the amish. the women there are plain,obedient,pure,and only care about if your a good person and have a strong faith in god,rather than how much money or stuff you have. i had talked to a woman on here,who liked civil war reenactments and had a disability like me. but she rejected me cause i wasn't rich enough,wanted someone with a steady job,well it ain't my fault,i live in a rural area,with few or no jobs and is treated like a second class citizen.

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christian sects that still practice arranged marriages
Posted : 18 Apr, 2017 07:47 PM

Hi, I agree with what "silver" suggested in doing His work.

"An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord�s affairs�how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world�how he can please his wife� and his interests are divided." 1 Corinthians 32-33

Do not worry about tomorrow, He knows our future. You are still young, as long as you continue to walk ways not apart from His, nothing can go wrong.

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