Author Thread: I am not a Christian

I am not a Christian
Posted : 29 Oct, 2010 04:28 PM

I am not a Christian. I am not a Protestant or a Catholic. I am not a Jew or a Gentile. I am not Messianic or Baptist, Presbyterian or Lutheran, Orthodox or Charismatic. I cannot be a Christian because I purposely choose not to choose a religion but rather I choose Faith. I am a man that walks this earth seeking Peace and Truth. I have chosen to follow a man who is a better man than I. . . a perfect man. . . who is a perfect story; a perfect man who lived a perfect life, died a perfect death and now is the Lord of a perfect Kingdom. I am not a man of fear because I am never under condemnation. I am not a man of pride because I have accomplished nothing on my own. Their are no words, books, weapons, or men that can harm me or kill me. I cannot be destroyed. I carry with me the message of the perfect man I follow. I pass His knowledge on to those who wish to know it and I protect it from those who wish to abuse it. I am not a Christian. I am a man who follows one man and loves to be at His side more than any place in the universe. I am a man who knows that he is eternal and will always be with his friend, the perfect man, Jesus, for eternity and will one day be face to face with His Father.


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I am not a Christian
Posted : 30 Oct, 2010 07:51 PM

@ ET:

ET,I have noticed whenever ANYONE posts something you disagree with,or you have no understanding about,you ALWAYS either JUDGE that person as an unbeliever;

Or you tell them they are not a believer and that they need to repent.

You are not Yeshua,your posting are ones of pride and arrogance,and self righteousness..

I sure am glad that NOT ONE PERSON will be standing before you at the end of all things...

Thunder is a brother and friend.

You on the other hand are the one that needs to trust Yeshua with Thunder..

I hope that one day you will be trusting Yeshua to save you and not trusting in that you have repented of your sins,for salvation.

Agape' and Charis:


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I am not a Christian
Posted : 31 Oct, 2010 01:54 PM

Trucker, trucker, I'm not going to waste my time disputing with you over your empty and void words. But I will pull your coat on a few things for your own edification that I think you should know: In response to your comments:

#1. In response to your first two sentences: Did you not know that ALL LIARS will have thier place in the lake of fire that burns with fire and brimestone?...

#2. In response to your third sentnece: If its not TOO difficult of a task for you, please try looking up the definitions of these three words: confident, bold, and secure. I would rather think these describe and are more befiting as to who I am. Yes, I am spiritually confident, spiritually bold, and spiritually secure. I find in my experiences with some certain people who disdain corrections or think they have it all together spirituall in the word in their OWN wisdom, knowledge and understanding. That when a truth or correction is sopken by someone else other than themselves, they tend to lash out at that the person who has made the correction, by using such words and pride, arrogance, and self-righteous. I understand this is to prevent one from losing face. Of couse, its ok with me if you find my postings with pride, arrogance and self-righteousness... then I know I doing my job, because what I've said must have put a sting in your spirit and heart, otherwise, you would not have such feeling or use for these words in the first place.

#3. Yes, indeed Thunder is a brother and a friend, and THIS IS WHY I COMMENTED AS I DID TO BRING CORRECTIONS. Does not the Bile teach that When you see a brother or a friend in error, does not God exhort us to CORRECT that person, in order to save a soul? what's your excuse? #4. Finally, Trucker, I hope and pray the same for you , that you will learn how to trust in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior over your life unto your salvation. I pray and hope that you will STOP leaning to your OWN understanding of God's Holy Word when trying to explain the scriptures, and that God Himself will OPEN your eyes, and illuminate your MIND and bring you into a clear knowledge of His word through the power of HIS Holy Spirit by REVELATION, AND NOT BY YOUR OWN INTERPRETATION. shhhhhhhhh, I think Janis Japlin is about to start singing, the light are turning dem...sssshhhhh:zzzz::yay::dancingp::ROFL::excited::rolleyes::bouncy: Have a God bless day in the Lord... ella

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I am not a Christian
Posted : 31 Oct, 2010 07:53 PM

ET, I think that most of the time you prefer to be argumentative. You frequently pass judgment in your remarks and it seems to me that your judgement is often hasty.

You completely missed the point of what I was saying. I was speaking in the present tense. Now, today, here. I do not call myself a Christian because of what Christianity represents her and now. This has nothing to do with the history of Christianity or the meaning of the word. And yes I can refuse to call myself a Christian because I am first and foremost a disciple of Jesus. Too much of what Christianity stands for today has little to do with Jesus or His Word. I am not speaking of only the Church but the behavior of so many who call themselves Christians who have given her the tainted image the world has of her today.

If I call myself a Christian then to the world I am one of them and I despise them. Therefore I refuse to be associated with them by taking on the identity they bear by calling themselves Christians. They are the vipers of today. They are the whitewashed tombs of our time. And like Jesus it is my intention to set myself apart from them by exposing them and challenging them. I am therefore not a Christian any more than Jesus was a Christian.


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I am not a Christian
Posted : 31 Oct, 2010 10:08 PM

Thunder, I don't find anything of substance in this topic to argue about therefore, it behooves me to even try to find a link...

Got a new tag, love it, now I know for sure I'm on my job, PRAISE THE LORD! Yes, Judgmental, you got this one right. And after reading your comments by which this thread was started, I will indeed judge what you and others says when I find it to be in spiritual error. Thank you for seeing the judge in me... lol

And You know what Thunder, I rather enjoy perfecting my judging skills, being that we who are called christian believers will judge the angels and the world along with Jesus as we reign with Him. So yes, when I find that what a person is saying does not line up with what God has to say in His word, you betcha, I wlll judge the matter.

And as I've said, I find and have concluded that what you speak is in spiritual error.

Being a Christian is as a surname for believrs in the Lord Jeus Christ, no different than if your surname was Wilson, Johnson or Novacez, it identifies you with the family of God. If you are embarrassed to be called a Christians guess what Jesus says about those who are ashamed of His name and of Him?... search it out.

Sweetheart, I think while you are trying to be so politically correct... you really are seriously in spiritually error and WRONG!

shhhhhhhhhh, hold-up....I think Elivs just left the building...:rocknroll::yay::dancingp:...hey, Elvis wait-up you left your hair brush...:dancingp::dancingp::bouncy::peace:

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I am not a Christian
Posted : 1 Nov, 2010 09:53 AM

Ella, Science has proven that we live in a 9 dimensional world. (There are actually ten dimension but because the tenth dimension is the spiritual dimension it cannot be scientifically proven yet.) With this in mind I think that what would behoove you would be to make an effort to get out of your two dimensional world and have a look around. It is perfectly fine to have your opinion but it is not ok to belittle and mock your brothers and sisters in Christ for their opinions. I fail to see how a person that claims to be a missionary would not know better. If this is your style of teaching and reaching out then I am surprised you get a positive response.

The only thing you can convince people of while you are beating them over the head is that you enjoy beating people over the head. Let's assume that the people who participate in this forum are here for a discussion and not for a stoning, ok? We are all in different places in our sanctification and we go through the process in different ways and in a different order from others. We can't all be in the same place at one time so we have to be forgiving and understanding.

My suggestion to you is that you live up to your testimony and show greater spiritual maturity than you have displayed up to this point.


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I am not a Christian
Posted : 1 Nov, 2010 10:41 AM

Thunder personal opinion don't count when a person is speaking spiritually. Your spiritual words MUST be based upon personal spiritual experience and the personal knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ...NOT YOUR OPION ABOUT IT.

Are you listening and hearing what you're saying? I really don't think what you speak are words spoken by, nor do they demostrate words spoken a person who has truly come into a personal spiritual RELATIONSHIP with nor has had a Holy Ghost filled encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. Terefore, your witness can be considered viod and of no effect by the words you speak.

In your other comment you say something to the effect that you're no more a christian than Jesus was a Christian... well, Jr, but you are saved by HIS GRACE, NOT YOUR OWN. You are called by HIS NAME, HE IS NOT CALLED BY YOUR NAME...

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I am not a Christian
Posted : 1 Nov, 2010 10:41 AM

Thunder personal opinion don't count when a person is speaking spiritually. Your spiritual words MUST be based upon personal spiritual experience and the personal knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ...NOT YOUR OPION ABOUT IT.

Are you listening and hearing what you're saying? I really don't think what you speak are words spoken by, nor do they demostrate words spoken a person who has truly come into a personal spiritual RELATIONSHIP with nor has had a Holy Ghost filled encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. Terefore, your witness can be considered viod and of no effect by the words you speak.

In your other comment you say something to the effect that you're no more a christian than Jesus was a Christian... well, Jr, but you are saved by HIS GRACE, NOT YOUR OWN. You are called by HIS NAME, HE IS NOT CALLED BY YOUR NAME...

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I am not a Christian
Posted : 1 Nov, 2010 10:41 AM

Thunder personal opinion don't count when a person is speaking spiritually. Your spiritual words MUST be based upon personal spiritual experience and the personal knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ...NOT YOUR OPION ABOUT IT.

Are you listening and hearing what you're saying? I really don't think what you speak are words spoken by, nor do they demostrate words spoken a person who has truly come into a personal spiritual RELATIONSHIP with nor has had a Holy Ghost filled encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. Terefore, your witness can be considered viod and of no effect by the words you speak.

In your other comment you say something to the effect that you're no more a christian than Jesus was a Christian... well, Jr, but you are saved by HIS GRACE, NOT YOUR OWN. You are called by HIS NAME, HE IS NOT CALLED BY YOUR NAME...

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I am not a Christian
Posted : 1 Nov, 2010 10:44 AM

wonder why there are two post of the same?... sorry, about that, its the board.:zzzz:

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I am not a Christian
Posted : 1 Nov, 2010 10:48 AM

WOW! I see three!!! must be Jesus and the Holy Ghost!:dancingp::yay::peace::excited::ROFL:

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