Author Thread: Parable of the Great Supper

Parable of the Great Supper
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 11:22 PM

I've been reading the Book of Luke and have found some interesting parables. In Luke chapter 14: verses 16 - 24, Jesus tells the parable of the great supper to the Pharisees who sat at dinner with Him.This parable is an invitation to the lost to come to Christ for salvation.

Why do you think people feel a need to make excuses for rejecting Jesus Chirst into their life? And what responsibility, if any, do you think Christians have in bringing people to Christ?

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Parable of the Great Supper
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 10:39 AM


The Christ in you only invites you to maintain and sustain yourself. The Christ in you only is to show others that He lives in you and has made a change in YOUR behavior from the inside out that shines before others.

It is the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST that leads others to Him, and we carry the message onot only with the gospel but also in our behavior and conduct.

If a person only needed to see how good we are and behavior to come to Christ, there would not have been a need for Christ to die on the corss which was God's salvation plan for us to know and receive. There would ne no need for grave and mercy, if only we need to show off Christ inside of us.

We are to be witnesses of Christ not only with the carrying of the gospel to the lost, but as well as showing a change and that He lives inside of us representing His character.

We are indeed totally depraved of saving ourselves, and doing anything outside of God, so how can we win souls just by showing others Christ lives inside of us?

The aposltes whosed the people Christ lived in them, yet many didn't believe. For there is no other means, ways, behavior or name by which a person can be saved outside of recivng the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior by faith. Seeing Christ in you ain;'t gone cut it! Because this is DOES NOT BRING SALVATION TO ANYONE! Seeing Christ in you is only the FRUIT of your salvation as to what Christ doing inside of you.

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Parable of the Great Supper
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 10:47 AM

Being saved and born again is an indie soirutal job that come ONLY BY HEARING AND HEARING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST BY FAITH. Romans chapter 10.

the Great Commsion to GO preach and teach the gospel, would not have been necessary if salvation depended on the Christ that lived in the disciples. Becasue Christ did live inside of them and they were filled with the divine power of the Holy Spirit, and worked many signs and wonders before the pople, and so did Jesus Himself. Yet many rejected the gospel and the hearing of salvation.

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Parable of the Great Supper
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 12:19 PM

If Christ did not live in you, would you preach the Gospel?

There are those who do not have Christ living in them that preach the Gospel and still God is able to use it!....Why? ....because it is God's working, not us!

It is not a formula or doctrine that saves, it is a person, a person who lives in us by the Holy Spirit.....Jesus!

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Parable of the Great Supper
Posted : 9 Jan, 2011 03:32 AM

The one thing I think is missing here, is the divine timing of everything. When He tells us to compel them, they must be called first or we are trying to pry open a womb that is not ready and we can perform an "abortion" if we are operating out of the flesh.

Preaching or teaching a group of people is different than one on one with people. When you teach or preach, they come to you and have the choice to come and listen or get up and walk away.

When you approach people in their space, it is invasive and better be led of God, or you will lose them. This is why I think door to door witnessing and walking up to people must be Spirit led.

Even on "The Way of the Master" T.V. show, they stand somewhere and ask people questions walking by. Many of them keep going and some stop. You can't chase them down or preach loudly at them if they do keep going.

The fallow ground of one's heart must be plowed up first and prepared to receive the word of God. It may take days, months or years of not saying a word, and then one day they open the door and ask you questions.

Did you ever see that picture of Jesus standing at the door knocking? There is no doorknob on the outside of it and He does not try to "pry" that door open.

Too many zealous Christians want to go out and get a soul saved, rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to lead them. Trying to get a person to accept Jesus without His Holy Spirit leading the way is like trying to get a person to marry someone they have never met or hung around with.

This truly turns people off and it is not the way He draws them. It's His kindness that leads us to repentance. Whatever that kindness is in His kingdom, is not our carnal interpretation. It may be a person getting thrown in prison and then realizing it was God's kindness that allowed them to go there, saving their soul from death and a firey hell.

Jesus must be experienced in some way, before they are drawn to Him. He always let people encounter Him and then if they hungered for more, He fed them. :purpleangel:

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