Author Thread: legalism

Posted : 18 Dec, 2010 01:10 PM

Legalism has been mentioned several times recently. So I have a question. What do people define legalism as?

I grew up in a denomination that many might call legalistic. I left there and now attend a evangelial verse by verse teaching church. I say that since I understand what a lot of people call legalism yet I also, since having grown up in that view, may retain some of those thoughts.

I think it would be hard to find a church that people call legalistic who will say that salvation is via works. I think that most people call someone legalistic because they have views that there are rules to be followed.

So, lets take two wide views to help discuss the matter. The bible is very clear about things like, not being drunk, not having sex before marriage, etc. Do we not alll form rules that say "I can't do that". I can't go to bar looking to get drunk and "hook up".

The bible is also pretty clear that would should do somethings. Remember the Lords supper, live by faith, not foresake the assembly. So we make rules that say "I should do this or that"

What if your brother or sister were doing all those "don'ts" and was not doing the "do's"? Would you not approach them about it? Ah! But then aren't you legalistic for telling them they shouldn't do that or should do this?

So where is the line drawn? At what point is are you doing to many of the don'ts and not of the do's?

Why is it that if you tell another christian that the bible says they shouldn't do that, or that they should do this, that you are automatically defined as a legalist?

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Posted : 21 Dec, 2010 04:23 PM

True. It's just that this sort of thing has a tendency to quickly devolve into finger-pointing and misunderstandings and generally heated arguments.

I think I was still reeling a bit from 'discussions' in other threads, y'know?

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