Author Thread: No George that Is Not Corrrect;

No George that Is Not Corrrect;
Posted : 11 Dec, 2011 07:54 PM

If you have received the Gift of the

Holy Ghost You will speak in tongues and as I have said many times, the bibl;e is our source and one that says they interpet the woprd of God can not expound on any bible truth, You can not expound on the Gifts of The spirit.

The gifts of the Spirit manifest as the Holy spirit wills

Acts 2:4 all spoke in tongues, not some, and no it was not in a known tongue to those speaking in tongues.

You Can not mentally explain The Holy Spirit...

Yes George it has been wrongly taught and especially when this occurrence all spoke as in every account listed all spoke as they received that is the bible facts.

The New testament was not written those that where not spirit filled.

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No George that Is Not Corrrect;
Posted : 11 Dec, 2011 08:19 PM

the tounges in acts are not the same tounges referd to in corinthians! the tounges that speak mysteries is a prayer language and is the evidence of the infilling of the spirit this is my understanding of it!

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No George that Is Not Corrrect;
Posted : 11 Dec, 2011 08:20 PM

That is correct

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No George that Is Not Corrrect;
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 03:51 AM


You sure do know how to 'TWIST' the word of YHWH to fit your "OWN' brand of Theology.

Act 2:1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

Act 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

Act 2:3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

Act 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.


Who is the 'ALL' spoken here PEEJ.

The 'ALL' here are those in the upper room,waiting for the Word of Yeshua to be fulfilled in them.

This does not say that 'EACH and EVERY BELIEVER' will be, or has to be speaking with a 'TONGUE'.

When will you learn to 'RIGHTLY DIVIDE ;the WORD of YHWH.

Learn to read according to the context.

The Gardner

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No George that Is Not Corrrect;
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 05:46 AM

The all is alll George , no it is not just the apostle's the question is when will you get it right not Phillip, you do not have a track record that proves biblical, in your self willed interpretation's

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No George that Is Not Corrrect;
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 09:40 AM

George I just told you the acts tounges is not the same as the corinthians toungs or "prayer language" also called tounges of angels in the scriptures these are 2 different things and the infilling of the holy spirit from my understanding is evident by a prayer language it comes into your head as the spirit gives utterance I do know you can refuse to speak the words coming are you still filled if you do refuse to is something I am not sure of!I think that may be a refusal to accept Him He will not force himself on anyone GOD NEVER DOES THAT! I actuly mentioned my pastors wife she had said that she didnt think that you had to speak in tounges to be filled but I gave her a copy of my book the normal christian life that you have already read i cant believe the crazy stuff you believe after reading that book but anyway after she read it she said she then understood the difference in the infilling and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit!

When you get saved you have then the indwelling He guids you and shuns sin in your life! Even then if you commit sin you will feel that conviction but when you have the infilling that is when you have gotten enough of this old rotten world and your rotten nasty flesh out of the way lived a life of hollieness to the extent that you are an empty vessel when you have been seeking the infilling and your vessel is empty waiting to be filled with the glory of the Holy Ghost then you will recieve him thats who I believe I guess maybe you can get the babtisim without being empty of those things but at that point he cant fill you all the way up becasue you still have garbage in your vesel! Thats why people in churches that dont practice hollieness and try to live like they want to do recieve the babtisim! Let me tell you the holy spirit if you are FULL OF HIM you wont do things like go into bars becasue he wont let you you will feel him physicaly grieving and you will turn around even in a resturaunt with that sort of atmosphere on the beach I tried to eat it was sickening! I think he may acompany you once or twice out of ignorance but if you continue in rebelion after he has warned you then he wil depart~ I am not saying you have hen lost your salvation I am just saying you have got to submit and seek the Babtisim or a fresh infilling again! But it is real hard to go against him when its something like that!

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