Author Thread: Are miracles for today?

Are miracles for today?
Posted : 7 Jul, 2008 08:44 PM

Have you witnessed or been a part of a miracle? Do you believe they exist today... Please share your thoughts.


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Are miracles for today?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2008 06:37 AM

I KNOW they exist today. I am One !

I was also an eyewitness to a miracle performed in my own

living room a couple of years ago. Our liter of 5 puppies had

lost their mother at two weeks of age: my youngest daughter

(who, from a very young age, because of her love and care

for strays, abused animals,etc., has been referred to by

other family members, as " the vet"; the dog whisperer,etc.

You get the picture),took on the responsibility of caring for

the pups;and during a nightly bottle feeding "Jada" began to

struggle and fell to the hardwood floor.After minutes of going

through convulsions; she lay motionless; she was dead! My

daughter began to weep and cry out to God------- fifteen

minutes later she was still praying over this lifeless dog; and

had I not seen it with my own eyes ! ! The pup had been

laying on it's side; and as soon as my daughter said,"satan,

you're not taking her", that little puppy gasped a breath, and

it was as if someone lifted her up!; she didn't just stand; she

literally Jumped to her feet, and walked to my child's waiting

arms! The recollection of that night brings tears, even now.

To know that JESUS heard my daughter's cries, and actually

raised that animal up because He loves her so was life-changing for us as well! My relationship with Christ grew

stronger; as it continues to do each day: God's love for His

children goes far beyond anything our minds can grasp! It

may not seem like a "Big" miracle to some; but it certainly

was , for my family.

God Bless,


P.S. All 5 of those puppies survived, and as we speak, are

healthy little Blessings in homes with children who love them.

We re-named Jada; Miracle. TO GOD BE THE GLORY ! ! !

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Are miracles for today?
Posted : 25 Jul, 2008 09:56 PM

I believe that miracles happen every day, anywhere at anytime.

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