Author Thread: When was the last time you asked God "What can i do for you"

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When was the last time you asked God "What can i do for you"
Posted : 28 Jul, 2008 03:03 PM

We as christians are so caught up in Asking God can you do this or can you bless me with that ,i need this or i need that. But when was the last time you asked God What you could do for him? Like Paul was able to say " i have faught the good fight and i Have finished my course" We as believers a charged with a duty "commission" and that is to win souls to Jesus Christ. To thoase that dont know Christ we are to be their example of Christ through our lives. "a living epistle" When you go before God will you be able to say that you completed the assingment given to you as a believer" Will God be able to say to you "Well done my good and faithful servent" Or are you going to be like the man who took his talent and baried it in the ground. What good it is it for us to have Jesus if we are not Glorifying Him in these last days. He didnt come into our live so that we could keep him to ourselves give Him to some else just as He was given to you. Let us spread the good news so that our savior can claim His bride. I love all of you with the love of the Lord and pray to see you all blessed. Let your light shine like a city on the side of a hill. God bless you all and take care.

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When was the last time you asked God "What can i do for you"
Posted : 28 Jul, 2008 03:36 PM


I,for one, ask Him that question quite often.I Love Him with all my heart and soooo want to please Him! Sometimes His answer is something I may not want to do. I do it anyway!

I, along with many others,eagerly look forward to hearing those Sweet words," Well done, thou good and faithful servant". What a Day ! ! !

God Bless You,


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When was the last time you asked God "What can i do for you"
Posted : 29 Jul, 2008 06:46 PM

The last time that I asked God, "What can I do for you?" was last Sunday night in church. I am presently waiting on disability, and I am no longer able to teach in a Christian school, where I taught Kindergarten for 9 years. It was a great experience seeing the young children "soaking up" the Bible lesson each morning and learning how God can be in all subjects all throughout the day.

I do get to teach Vacation Bible School in church, but I'm not sure yet if I will be asked to teach Sunday School. I have told the church that I am interested in teaching.

There have been many days lately when I feel that God is planning something great for my future. I just need to stay close to Him and keep asking what I can do for Him. PRAYING AND READING THE BIBLE DAILY WILL HELP ME TO KNOW HIS PERFECT WILL FOR EACH DAY OF MY LIFE.

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When was the last time you asked God "What can i do for you"
Posted : 5 Nov, 2008 10:09 PM

I don't ask God what I can do for him... I believe that being a light to others by mylife style and sharing the word of God is pleasing to him and thats what he wants from me.

However, looking at the question again maybe I should ask God what is it that I can do for him.

My goal and greatest desire is to please him and I would want to know him, to please him.:bouncy:

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When was the last time you asked God "What can i do for you"
Posted : 18 Feb, 2011 06:12 PM

Every morning at 4:30am when I leave for work, so the last time for me would have been this morning (2/18/2011).......

He certainly will use you if you allow yourself to be used. I can testify to that on numerous occasions.

I understand where your heart is because we all tend to forget that concept of asking "God, what can I do for you?" Just like any relationship in life, He wants a relationship with us and part of being in a "relationship(s)" are sometimes giving and sometimes taking. We really need to give a lot more to our Father because He gives so much to us (as you know, that we do not deserve).

I could keep going, I love talking about the Lord........



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