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Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 09:48 AM


All believers could be filled with the Holy Spirit, like Paul, at the moment of their belief (Ac 9:17-18). However, many are rather controlled by their flesh, because they have not asked for, or have asked amiss for the Holy Spirit. Some do not even believe that the Holy Spirit MUST be asked for to be received [hence the infamous sinners prayer which is unbiblical]: And yet the Bible tells us to ask, because everyone who asks receives (Lk 11:9-10); For the heavenly Father gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask (11:13). We have not because we ask not (Jm 4:2).

We ask, and receive not, because we ask amiss, when we are in lusts (4:3); Whosoever is in lust is also in envy (4:5); Wherein they are in �their own will�, and of the world, And an enemy of God (4:4). In the world is the lust of the flesh; and the lust of the eyes; and the pride of this life: All of which are Not of the Father, because they are of the world (1Jn 2:16); AND THIS they shall do because they are Not into doing the will of God (2:17). All of this is too close to what it means to be antichristian to be comforting (2:18).

All of this is manifested from those who cannot continue to be with those who have the unction in the truth without the lie, which truth we are to know (2:19-21). Which lie is of the devil, who is the father that does not abide in the truth, because he speaks the lie of by �our own will�, we can do! (Jn 8:44). Question is why do you not believe this truth? (8:45). Remember that you need to know this truth, IF it is going to make you free (of the devil�s captivity) (8:32 with 2Tim 2:25-26). Believers need to continue in these words of truth (Jn 8:31-32).

Humility resists the devil in this pride, so that God could give more grace to draw close to God, who will draw close to us (Jm 4:6-8). For those who are humble can be lifted up into the sight of the Lord (4:10). In �we will� go and do, instead of the Lord�s will, �we� are in evil boasting (4:13, 15-16); Rather we are to be into doing good (4:17). In point of biblical fact, when we do not ask, we tempt the Lord unto wearying God (Is 7:12-13).

IF anyone is going to do God�s will, they are to know the doctrine of God (Jn 7:17). The meat which we are to be fed with is to do the will of God (4:34); Wherein we are to know its truth, IF we are going to be made free from the devil�s lie of by �our own will�, we can thus do (God�s will)! (8:32 & 44). I will is God�s glory, which He does not share with another! (Is 48:11); Which glory of our Lord Jesus Christ has to be obtained (2Thes 2:14); Wherein we pray for God�s will to be done in this world in our life (Lk 11:2).

Those who speak of �their own� glory are speaking of �their own self� [which must be denied, if we are going to follow Jesus] (Jn 7:18). This is why Jesus was Not into His own glory (8:50). For He was into the glory of God�s will be done, so that the Son of God might then be glorified (11:4). Seek His glory in obedience to the truth (Rom 2:7-8); For we have fallen short of the glory of God�s righteousness (6:23 & 25). This is why we need to be freely justified by grace through Jesus Christ (6:24). IF we are justified by [our] works, we glory [in ourselves] (4:2). Blessed are those who are in the Lord�s will for [His] righteousness [His work] (4:8-9); Wherein we are giving glory to God for His promise to perform what He has promised (4:20-21) [because we are Asking Him correctly to gives us what we need so that we could Love others for His honor and glory].

We herein have fleshy believers, who are in �their own will�, or �their own� works; And then we have Christians, who are in the will and work of God, which is HOW we are in His way that is in His word. NOT good to call those who are into those things of �SELF�, as those who are following Jesus in the things of God.

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Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 10:42 AM

Well that explains why I didn't win the 300 million dollar lottery last night!

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Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 12:29 PM

:ROFL: That's funny,twosparrows.


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Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 10:03 AM

GREAT post SIC!:glow::applause:..don't mind 2sparrow, he's just being carnal:ROFL::excited:

Hey, 2sparrow when you do win the lottery, don't forget, you promise to let me ride one of your mules, and :dancingp:take me out to Micky-D's for dinner:yay:.. hope we're still buds...:ROFL::buddies:


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Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 10:19 AM

No, but seriousy. I would like to add my one cent worth on this topic.

Paul doesn a great job explaining the struggle we all have between the two natures that live within us, even if we are saved and brn again and filled with the Holy Spirit, in Romans chapter 7.

He write that we war aginst tow nature, our sin nature the flesh because of Adam, and our spiritual nature of rebirth that takes place when we receive Jesus Christ into our life, born from the indwelling of the holy Spirit.

As He states:I am carnal, becaue I am sold to sin. For those things that I do I allow, for what I should do I DO NOT do, but those things I hate, this is what I do..."

The law of sin (sin nature) is in our bodies (DNA) because we were born through Adam. BUT the spiritual law (BORN AGAIN) and regenerated thorugh the Holy Spirit of God SHOULD take control when we become born again thorugh Jesus Christ, and we die to satistifying the desires ofo ur flesh.:yay:

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