Author Thread: The Mutual Faith

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The Mutual Faith
Posted : 10 Jan, 2011 08:19 PM

The Mutual Faith

The righteousness of God is revealed through (the process of our) faith to (the) faith (of Christ), so that we can live just by His faith (Rom 1:17). This revealing process is sent unto us through the spiritual gifting of (grace in all of its teaching) from a minister, by the will of God, so that we can be established (Rom 1:11-10) in �the mutual faith� without being in ignorance to the fact that THIS (the mutual faith) (1:12-13) is the ONE faith that we are called to walk worthy of so that we may experience the unity of the Spirit, because we have bonded in peace within humility, and a forbearing attitude (Eph 4:4, 1,3, and 2).

Those who have obtained THIS precious faith have the knowledge of God�s divine power that gives us all the things we need so that we might partake of the divine nature AFTER escaping the corruption that is in the world through lusts (2Pet 1:1, 3-4).


a) The knowledge (of the grace of God that works) to show us how we can become b) Temperate (to live a moderated lifestyle) and be given c) Patience (so that we could have) d) Godliness (which is the right attitude towards God) so that we can have e) Sincere love towards the brethren (that shows the actions of love within affection, and the truth) (2Pet 1:5-7) because we are called to love in the deeds (of showing sincere care) which is in the truth (1Jn 3:18). Therefore, (the adding of all these things, is so that we would have the mutual faith, herein called Christ�s faith (Rom 1:11, Gal 2:20).

How do you KNOW if you have been called and elected by God?? Answer- You are DOING these things, and you shall NEVER fall (from grace) (2Pet 1:10). ALL who lack these things are blind, (unrepentant) and cannot see (to understand these things) because they have NOT been purged from their old sins (2Pet 1:9) (and crucified with Christ see Gal 2:20). Those who have had their hearts purified/purged/crucified through the Spirit, CAN sincerely love the brethren intensely, because they were obedient to this truth (1Pet 1:22, 2Pet 1:9, Gal 2:20).


(Gal 5:7)

If so, then you are �self-justified� by the law (of men) and fallen from GRACE because you don�t have the effect of God (working these things into you) (5:4) AND therefore you DON�T have the FAITH that is waiting through the Spirit, for the righteousness by faith TO LOVE (Gal 5:5-6).

ALL those who DON�T have the ability/liberty to serve in THIS LOVING CAPACITY, are only serving �their own� FLESH, and all of this is because �THEY WON�T CUT THEMSELVES OFF� from those who are not teaching/affirming these things (Gal 5:13-12).

ARE YOU BEING COMFORTED IN THE �MUTUAL FAITH�? If so, then you are not ignorant of all these things. (Rom 1:12-13).

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The Mutual Faith
Posted : 10 Jan, 2011 10:03 PM


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The Mutual Faith
Posted : 10 Jan, 2011 10:08 PM

You are either a genius or you use to many parentheses. I am not sure I understand your post. I get that God gives us faith, but how is that mutual with the faith of Christ? What is the faith of Christ?

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The Mutual Faith
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 07:19 AM

I'm not sure what point you're trying to get across here, Siciliangirl. Can you explain it ?


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The Mutual Faith
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 08:18 AM

Two can you clarify what you mean by saying God gives us faith?

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The Mutual Faith
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 08:25 AM

I'm not answering for twosparrows but wanted to share this scripture.

Romans 12:3

For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.


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The Mutual Faith
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 09:33 AM

Are we not all given the faith of a musterd seed to start with?

Just a passing thought.

We are saved by believing that jesus died on the cross. is this what you mean young lady???

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The Mutual Faith
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 09:16 AM

SO, WHAT'S THE FUSS???...where are the spiritual minded people on this thread?

All mutual faith emans that Paul is speaking about here, and Sic, is writing about is, having ALL THINGS IN COMMAN regarding the doctrine, teahcings and preaching of Christ as believers. IN ONE ACCORD, beiving that God raised Christ from the dea,, blieveing that Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God, belieivng that Jesus will return to set up His kingdom and those who are born agin believer, the church fo the living God we will reign with Him forever. Belicing that through the power and sealing of the Holy Spirit, we have security in Christ and are made His righteousness, believing that through the power of the Holy Spirit God STILL HEALS, SAVES AND DELIVERS!


Mutal faith only means same faith and beliefs in the pwoer of God and who Christ is, and the works of the Holy Spirit.

I truly think when ya'all STOP trying to answer post from a CARNAL mind, and seek to answer from a spiritual mind trhough the Holy Spirit, there will not be any misunderstandings or confusion.

Also, when you post from websites as most of you do on this forum, you best be able to give answers according to what is posted, and know from within your OWN spiritual knowledge what it is you're posting with clear understanding in order to explain what it is you've posted.

I've noticed that many posts on this forum are from articles, and when asked a question, they can't come up with spiritual answers as in what God has revealed about what they have posted, outside of what is found in the article. This is because not many are reading God's word and studying to show yourselves APPROVED BY GOD!

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The Mutual Faith
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 09:20 AM

WOW! how many are in the same, come into agreement, common belief, have all things in common in faith with me, that oneif these old day, one day soon and very soon... I WILL LEARN HOW TO TYPE!:applause::ROFL:

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The Mutual Faith
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 11:02 AM


Yes we know and agree with your definition of mutual faith. HOWEVER.... That is not the definition used in context of the original post!

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The Mutual Faith
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 12:42 PM


Sure it is the same definition Sic has posted in her opening Romans chpater one, wherein Paul is speaking to the Roman church about having the mutual faith (same faith) to know and believe in Christ.

As Paul writes in Romans chapter one verse 1-12, and he has spoken about in the above passages, " For I long to come to see you, so that I may impart to you some spiritual gifts, to establish you until the end. That is, so that I may be comforted together with you by the MUTUAL FAITH (same faith in Christ), both you and I have..."

Without faith it is impossible to please God, therefore, what Paul is telling the church and all believers, if we are of the same beliefs about Christ, and agreement about Jesus Christ, we have MUTUAL FAITH in our beliefs, our faith in Christ is on one accord.

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