Author Thread: A Great Faithfulness

A Great Faithfulness
Posted : 9 Sep, 2009 05:05 PM

Everywhere he looked there was devastation. His hometown was a pile of smoldering ruins. There was little food, not enough water, and shelter was scarce. The city had just been totally destroyed by the enemy. In every direction there was pain, brokenness, suffering, and death. The city he loved was nothing more than a refugee camp. How do you go on in the midst of such devastation? When everything that you value has been ripped from you, and your life seems like a "pile of smoldering ruins," how do you continue? When pain, discouragement, and fear paralyze you, how do you go on? When dreams, hopes, and prayers seem to fade away like a puff of air on a cold morning, where do you go for strength to live?

The man described above wasn�t a war veteran or refugee from Iraq or Afghanistan. He was the prophet Jeremiah! Jerusalem had been devastated by the Babylonians. Jeremiah looked around his city and clung to the only thing remaining - the character of his God. Trusting on the mercy, compassion, and faithfulness of God gave him the courage to go on.

There are times in our lives when important and precious things are stripped away from us, such as friends, homes, jobs, spouses, children and love ones. During these times, we must cling to that which can never be taken away - our God. When we seek Him, He will make Himself known to us. There may be times when all we can say is "Lord, help me," or "God, I don�t understand and I�m so confused." In our honesty we find that He�s still with us.

If you feel like Jeremiah, take heart. Do not focus on the external circumstances as much as on the Savior. Seek His face, His mercy, His compassion, and His Faithfulness. Draw close to Him in your pain, confusion, and fear. The Word of God promises that we will find a Savior Who will listen and be a true and faithful friend.

"It is of the Lord�s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3.22-23

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A Great Faithfulness
Posted : 9 Oct, 2009 11:25 PM

Thank you rabbi. I often remind myself to look to the Lord & not my circumstances. He is the source of all that I have & will have. :angel:

Take care & God bless you,


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