Author Thread: I believe God is showing me signs that one day I am going to find the right one for me

I believe God is showing me signs that one day I am going to find the right one for me
Posted : 22 Jul, 2020 03:42 PM

It might sound strange to some of, but I believe God is using my tv, on a certain channel I've been watching for a while that shows a lot of christian movies, to tell me that one day I will find the right one and that I will be married. The other night I prayed as usually do for God to give me a wife, if it is His will. I looked up at the tv and only a few seconds I saw the words "What God has joined together let no man put asunder" . Last night I had this dream where l was looking to buy some dvds. In that dream I was thinking to myself "How can I ever date anyone? I can't do this and I can't do that." and when I woke up this morning there was this movie. In the movie this guy was about to take this girl on a date. He mentioned that he didn't have a DVD player, which is weird because I just dreamt about dvds. Anyways the guy took the girl to his house and they ended up having their date there. Again, I know it might sound weird, but I've been praying and asking God for this, and then these little things that I hear or see that makes me feel deep down in my heart that God is telling me these through these christian movies. Some of you may not think that this is possible, but can show us signs and wonders and work through things or people to tell us something. I truly believe that God is speaking to me by doing this. And I'm listening and I know He is listening to me. If you don't believe that God can tell us things through our tv's or through radio or through people, let me give you a little testimony. After driving home from church I stopped at Long John Silvers so my mom could get something to eat. I had this song in my head when we got there. When we left and when we got a little more than half way home that song came on the radio. If you still think He can't work this way then that's your belief, but I know my God's words, I know His voice, I know when He does something or not. Because I love Him, and I know He loves me. And there's no one that can tell me otherwise. There may be some that think that I have completely lost my mind, but I don't care. I have a relationship with Jesus and no one, absolutely no one is going to come between that.

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