Author Thread: Please pray

Please pray
Posted : 5 Apr, 2013 01:03 PM

I have a prayer request that I am asking to please spread around to as many Christians as possible. My prayer request is to pray for the salvation of Kim Jong Un and his family. I know its a bit weird and not many people like him. But I think we need to remember that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Pray for him and his family as if he were your own brother as I believe we need to love him like GOD has loved us before we came into a relationship with Him. Pray that the Gospel and message of salvation will be preached to Kim Jong Un and his family as belief comes by hearing the Word of GOD and GOD promises the Word will not fail in its purpose. Yes Kim Jong Un has a big army but we have the army of the Lord behind us. I believe that we need to unite as one in prayer on this as Jesus said when two or more are together there He is with them and that whatever we ask in His Name He will do. Prayer is stronger then any army because of the One we are talking to. We need to be feverent in prayer for him as the prayers of a righteous man go far and we are to keep seeking, keep asking and keep knocking and our prayers will be answered. So please spread this prayer request to as many Christians as you know as I feel we all need to be in prayer and ask them to pray feverantly as if Kim Jong Un was there family for Kim Jong Un's salvation and salvation for his family and that the Word will be preached to him and his family and pray to love him and to keep in prayer for him. GOD does not give up on us so why should we give up on him??

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