Author Thread: Thoughts on large families

Thoughts on large families
Posted : 9 Nov, 2012 12:18 PM

Would you consider having a large family? Why or why not?

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Thoughts on large families
Posted : 9 Nov, 2012 04:57 PM

Sunday school answer: I have a large family. Christendom is HUGE! (Someone had to say it, CtC.)

I like to think that if I were married, I would, with the wife, prayerfully consider building a large family. Whether or not I now like the idea shouldn't stop me from being open to considering it later.

In the meantime, my big issue in family size is our inability as a race to supply for basic needs for so many of us. One or two (maybe three?) biological kids between a couple is great if they can support them (Genesis 1:28, neh?), but I don't know how to justify trying for more. If you've desire and resources for raising more, why not adopt, say?

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Thoughts on large families
Posted : 9 Nov, 2012 10:45 PM

Aye, adoption should definitely be considered more where possible. Regardless of how you expand your family, though, I would expect you to be able to support them by yourself without reliance on the state (except in emergencies) as it's not fair to burden others because of your preferences. One of my uncle's has a family where nearly all of them sponge off the government - the eldest has even stated he's no intention of getting a job! He's basically a waste of space but at least his youngest sister has found work and proud to be earning her own money.

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Thoughts on large families
Posted : 10 Nov, 2012 08:28 PM

I'm not really a large family kind of guy. I'm thinking two would be great, but I could maybe go up to three. Not only is church ministry a time consuming occupation without regular hours, but it's also important to me to be able to spend time and develop a strong relationship with each child in a way that I never got with my dad. He had to work all the time to make sure we didn't lose the house and could afford to eat, so I understand, but I don't want to put my kids in that situation by having more than we can afford.

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Thoughts on large families
Posted : 22 Nov, 2012 12:13 AM

It is something that I have considered and will eventually do one day. God has layed it on my heart greatly to adopt children with special needs and I intend to do just that and then some. My hopes for adopting dont stop there I would like to adopt typically functioning children, older teens, teens who are pregnant or who already have children. There are very few situations that I would say no to. Like I said it is something that I know God wants me to do and I cannot/will not be with a man who isn't open to that.

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Thoughts on large families
Posted : 6 Dec, 2012 12:07 PM

That's wonderful Chelsea! God knows your heart and he's going to bring the right man into your life so that you can do just that. :) I personally am called to have a large family (which may or may not include adoption) as I believe in having a full quiver. God has really laid it on my heart that I should allow him to choose how many children I have, so that's what I'm going to do. And that includes trusting in him to provide and bless us as well. I do not believe God would call one to have a large family only to leave them destitute.

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Thoughts on large families
Posted : 7 Dec, 2012 09:16 PM

hmmm.... maybe one or two. For me, having kids is one thing I have gone back and forth on. I really want to find someone that is career-oriented but can have fun on the weekend as well. Would I rather change diapers or go hiking or playing pool on a weekend? I feel like sometimes that when I get married, I will have to start counting down until me and my wife have kids. I don't know... I am not against having kids and maybe I will come around on this subject. I really do appreciate someone intro ducting this on the forum. If anyone would like to talk to me more about this... email me on this site.

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Thoughts on large families
Posted : 9 Dec, 2012 02:51 AM

Thoughts on Large families? Many things must be considered by the person willing to create such. We must consider your partner's view of such, your career is another consideration, your involvement with ministry and the economical implication of running such a family among many other factors. For all its worth, God will not put a man on a road he wont finish. So if God laid it up on anyone's heart to create a large one, surely such must also find out from God the "how" he will raise them, so they dont end up an embarrassment to God and people. I had noticed that those who came from a very large families, often dont want to create a large family, like the one they came from when they get to such stage of life.

Its ungodly and unfair, to produce offspring you will be unable to care for, then you "turn" them over to governments, agencies, or relatives! Its unfortunate. That cant be God in action. On the whole, serious and serious and serious planning should be involved!

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Thoughts on large families
Posted : 24 Dec, 2012 03:39 PM

I say 2-3 is good.

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Thoughts on large families
Posted : 28 Dec, 2012 12:18 PM

If it was with a Torah observing women then.. I say large families are a must with today's demographic and future trend's. It doesn't even matter the situation -- poor or wealthy because Yah will bless those obedient to his word. However, sadly many women don't desire a Godly husband as much as they desire kids So, with such poor selection these days it's better to stay single and wait for Yeshua's return. Hopefully, soon something will happen and most of world will die of sooner then later.. At least then in that vacuum of the dead, there be some hope of survival for the Godly like after Sodom and Gomorrah with lot but right now there's not much hope for anything. Anyway, that's my take on it. :) be blessed

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Thoughts on large families
Posted : 10 Feb, 2013 12:03 AM

I personally would love to have a big family! I love kids of all ages. Children are a gift from God. Wether God blesses me and my future wife with kids or we adopt, God will provide for all our needs.

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