Author Thread: why comes?

why comes?
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 04:00 PM

Why come chevy asked me to restart the why comes?

Why come I hope these why comes will be fun?

Why come we should answer questions by each other?

why come most of the time we get along in the why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 18 Jan, 2011 08:34 PM

Why come I have to think about my why comes?

Why come, I sometimes break them apart instead of combining all at once, cause thats how I think?

Why come I'm watch House Hunters on

Why come this one house has a casket elevator in it?

Why come we should get to 23 pages by tomorrow?

Why comes why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 18 Jan, 2011 08:43 PM

Why comes we are on 22 now?

Why comes congrat the Kat!?

Why comes that cat don't catch no rats!?

Why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 18 Jan, 2011 08:46 PM

Why comes we all did it?

Why come thanks everyone for getting to page 22?

Why come, now on to page 23?

Why comes why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 18 Jan, 2011 08:49 PM

Why come I'm glad we did it?

Why come we need to see how far we can take this?

Why come I need to get ready for bed now?

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why comes?
Posted : 18 Jan, 2011 09:00 PM

Why comes we are making such good progress?

Why comes I am so tired?

Why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 18 Jan, 2011 09:17 PM

Why come welcome back K9?

Why come we could be mistaken since there are 2 Kyles now?

Why come I'm just glad since it's usually me that find this problem of double names? :goofball:

Why come since K9 here I could get some tips to train my dog, Luca?

Why come hey Chevy we've got a pro on Canine here lol thank God for the help from above lol

Why come I heard Kat on youtube and u were just so awesome, Kat! :applause:

Why come Deb could get another son named Kyle?

Why come Dennis is that Black Winnie the pooh that stand next to u?

Why come I pray for Flatlander, his Dad and Grandma to be healed?

Why come I deactivate my IM since I'm on my phone most of the time and this not so very smart phone does not support flash player?

Why come Edw congratulations and Saved3!

Why come Edw cooks so much in fb? Gotcha ;)

Why come good luck for the interview, K9!

Why come we have passed the page 22, congratulations, everybody! :applause:

Why come I only why coming the why comers here? Lol

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why comes?
Posted : 18 Jan, 2011 10:53 PM

Why comes you should notice that the nightowl is still here?

Why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 19 Jan, 2011 04:45 AM

Why come my I love large families?

Why come so glad edw and Kanine have reunited with their brothers and sisters?

Why come I'm praying for Kyle, his grand-ma and dad?

Why come uncle Dennis will be glad this got past 22 pages?

Why come never flour a flower?

Why come at this rate the old lady in the shoe might be my new best friend?

Why come I'm dog sitting for a friend?

Why come I might not let Dixie associate with chevy and JLYAM'S dogs cause she might start not listening?

Why come I might be sad to see Dixie go home?

Why come got cherry pie left, Kat?

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why comes?
Posted : 19 Jan, 2011 04:49 AM

Why come if I can't tie his tie our failed attempts are a tie?

Why come pants don't pant?

Why come I sought salt when the rose rose up?

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why comes?
Posted : 19 Jan, 2011 05:55 AM

Why come if you whistle for Dixie and she's not there, listening to the Dixie Chicks whistling Dixie might get your mind off Dixie?

Why come don't be sad; Dixie can come visit ya?

Why come we got kanine,mrwiseguy,Kyle, chevy, DG,edw =6 men?

Why come Kat, JLYAM, Deb= 3 ladies?

Why come men are ahead but who's counting?

Why come Kat should give edw a piece of cherry pie to go with his hamburger helper?

Why come I'm praying for Kyle's family and hope he feels better?

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