Author Thread: Something I've noticed...

Something I've noticed...
Posted : 27 Jul, 2009 11:45 AM

It's so weird talking to people online. I mean, seriously...mainly b/c the things you say have to be worded so incredibly's so easy for people to misinterpret what you say.

One member recently contacted me & kind-of began a conversation & he basically proposed, or so it sounded, via the very first email...then, when I told him it sounded like he had been hurt by someone (mainly b/c all he could talk about for the most part was - who's out there that will be totally faithful & perfect like the prov 31 woman) - So, when I gently confronted him on this & tried to help him a bit, he told me in a nutshell - that this is why Paul said for women to be quiet in the church. Then he went on to say that he is a famous missionary...what a weirdo. Ok, I guess this really is more of a comment...I just thought it was weird. Maybe online is just not for me, but...there has to be SOME normal guys on this thing? right? Anyway, thanks to anyone who reads this..I really hope I didn't offend anyone!

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Something I've noticed...
Posted : 3 Aug, 2009 11:30 PM

You are not alone since this is true for both sexes. I keep thinking back to 1982 when I was 18 and in USMC boot camp...The DI's would always remind us that it was always the 10% who either slowed us down or messed it up for the rest of us!! How true it is. The hard---really HARD part is just thinking it is only 10%. We all have to put on ourselves to show others who we are, and it is easy to boast and look goooooooood online. The same thing I have noticed about CB's in a truck is true online....Everybody gets either tongue loose or tongue tied. I prefer to keep the CB OFF unless I need it. Anybody can tell you their life story if they're hiding behind something. Use discernment. As for me; I have found that I have feetinmouth syndrome, or at least I THINK so...Doh!... and have to keep changing things so my words don't say what I don't mean...(.he he). that make sense?

CDFF is very interesting...I have noticed the same, but I am mostly impressed that in the short time and what little I have seen is good....Seems like better people ended up here (The 90%) and the 10% is making us turn off the radios so we miss everything. I hope this makes sense at all! Give me a chance to explain better if not.


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