Author Thread: Do you feel better now?

Do you feel better now?
Posted : 26 Jul, 2009 09:10 PM

May I speak freely on the behalf of the women on this site, to the guys on this forum? God is good, and He loves you. We, the women on this site are obviously here because we are looking for someone to date and/or marry, so are you. For me, I am looking, hands down, for a man that I would be interested in spiritually more than any other area. I pray other women are doing this also. I say this to encourage you as to why some women may check a profile and not respond or not respond to an email. This is not to say that you are being judged spiritually, just that you may not be what a lady is looking for specifically. Also, sometimes it may be that you may not meet a certain characteristic that that person may find important to them, but nothing is wrong with you. For instance, you may be outside of an age range, or you may not be the height they were looking for. But, it does not mean that you are unattractive or something is wrong.

It always stings when someone checks out your profile and they don't respond or you send them an email message and they don't respond. But be encouraged! That may just be that they had a specific thing they were looking for that had nothing to do with you not being a worthy person or even that you had control over. As I said, God loves you! He knows your desire for a wife and He can meet that exceedingly, abundantly above all you could ask or think!

For me, I would like to say that I am a Christian lady and I do look for my Christian husband. When I find him, or he finds me, I intend to love him, respect him, and give myself completely to him. A major thing I look forward to in being married is what I can do for my husband. I want to love him. Not just take from him. I say this to encourage you again that there are other women like me who will appreciate you and treat you well. It's just a matter of finding her and believing God. There are Christian women who will love you like the Lord would have her to and be a helpmate.

So, be encouraged. You are very important. You do matter. Many times I look at your guys' profiles and though I may not respond, I appreciate you and aspects about you. I apologize for the times that any of you have sent me a message and maybe I should have responded and didn't. I'm sorry for that. But, I just want you to know that God helps us women be women of God. And He will help prepare us for you! So don't stop looking and don't be discouraged. You are all valuable in the eyes of God and in my eyes, too.

So, I guess my question would be, since this is a post to ask guys a question, Do you feel better now?

God bless!

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Do you feel better now?
Posted : 27 Jul, 2009 01:02 AM


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Do you feel better now?
Posted : 27 Jul, 2009 04:37 AM

Glory I could not have said it better myself..


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Do you feel better now?
Posted : 27 Jul, 2009 05:10 AM

That was very uplifting gloryshine,ive not responded to messages,mainly cuz i dont want to say something to upset someone,then,when somebody doesnt respond to me,im like,why the nerve of that women,how dare her,who does she think she is,not responding to me,I think in the future im going to try and respond to everyone,but then again,i got one of those im sorry,but i dont think we would make a good match things,and i was like,the nerve of that women,i wish she would message me so i could not respond to her ooooooh.....:ROFL:

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Do you feel better now?
Posted : 27 Jul, 2009 03:00 PM

All in GOD'S time beloved; All in GOD'S time. Praise the LORD!

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Do you feel better now?
Posted : 27 Jul, 2009 03:25 PM

Praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST and peace be unto the saints of GOD.

I wanted to clarify my statement "All in GOD'S time". First let me just say thank you sister for taking the time to say what you said concerning women not responding. Thanks for being considerate.

As I've stated before, by the grace of GOD, dear ones, no matter how hard we try, nothing can happen without GOD. HE says who, when, and where. GOD has purpose. Purpose which will not be delayed, hindered, set back, nor detoured by the desires of humans. We just have to wait, and let GOD be GOD.

Remember, our steps are ordered by the Good LORD and if GOD wanted to, HE could put that person just for you on this site Now (he/she may already be on here) and cause you to meet your spouse with one click of your mouse.

We all experience basically the same thing. No mutual interest. Meaning we are interesed in those who are not interested in us or those who are interested in us, we are not interested in. So we all want a "mutual interest"....Someone who has our overall interest and we have theirs. Out of the thousands on this site, millions on the web, and billions on the face of the earth, only GOD can bring such a meeting into existance. For that matter, even if you were the only two on earth, if would still have to be GOD. :prayingm:

Zec 4:6

Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by MY SPIRIT, saith the LORD of hosts.

In the love of CHRIST,


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Do you feel better now?
Posted : 27 Jul, 2009 05:07 PM

It is not always easy to respond to everyone. I think people read too much into what is "not" said. Sometimes I just don't have time. I don't currently have internet at home and am a very busy single mom, so I don't always have time to respond.

Also, when it comes to someone just viewing my site , I don't read much into that. If someone is interested, then they'll message. If not, that's cool.

For me personally, I usually keep my mail settings set where people can't see if I viewed them or not. I may occasionally change it if I want someone to know I visited their profile (or it I forget to change my settings back).

In addition, I personally don't believe as a woman in pursuing the man, so I typically will not message a man first. ???That's just me. The Word says that he who finds a wife finds a good thing, so my philosophy with the whole online dating thing is to put my profile out here, and let God lead him to me. :)


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