Author Thread: Hi all

Hi all
Posted : 24 Feb, 2010 09:48 PM

I want to know why there are so many men on this site proclaiming to be christian, and believing in GOD ( who cannot be seen; so if you believe in him you are exercising your FAITH) but you all seem to be afraid to exercise that FAITH when it comes to conversing with someone who does not have a photo attached to their profile.

Where is your FAITH, my friends.

Remember we walk by FAITH not by sight.

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Hi all
Posted : 9 Jul, 2011 10:13 PM

I like how u said... If God puts them together they will find each other beautiful

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Hi all
Posted : 28 Sep, 2015 08:28 PM

I truly believe that . Man must see whats beautiful in the inside before the outside.

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Hi all
Posted : 30 May, 2016 03:21 PM


Yes, what is inside certainly is what matters the most. However, there must be some attraction, too. One does not need to be the prettiest girl on the planet so that a guy thinks she is attractive. True Faith, faithfulness, kindness, meekness, and modest dressing certainly go a long way and will certainly make you look far more beautiful anyways. That said, it also happens that one sees a person and is obliged to admit that for whatever reason he cannot explain, there is some physical incompatibility. It's simply an honest statement I'm neither proud nor ashamed of. It needs to be taken into account. We are to choose a spouse with biblical wisdom, not without seeing the other one!

Now, I have a big problem when one says it's a matter of faith. Christians are to have faith in God, not in everyone writing a profile. The Bible tells us to test the spirits, not to have faith in them... and, since I am reading this all the time: No, when the Bible says that He will grant you the desires of your heart the Bible does not promise us a spouse. When you truly delight in the Lord, then the desire of your Heart is to be faithful to Him and His Word. The desire of your heart is to be in Heaven with Him. As for the rest, He knows what is best for us. He knows what our needs are---and he is the one who created us with the need for a spouse�but ultimately HE will grant or not the spouse we desire, because He knows what is best for our eternal good. And believe me, I do hope and pray He will grant me the wisdom to find a good one... and that he will place on my road that helper if this is HIS will, and then that he will grant me to be a good Husband and father according to His declared will in the Bible.

Best wishes to everyone!


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