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"Secular" music
Posted : 23 Oct, 2016 07:25 AM

I'd say I agree with that sentiment.

As I discovered growing into reading the Bible more and more I came to the same realization myself that how God blesses people and causes many to have gifts and talents that they use in this world applies the same to music.

A lot of Christians ask themselves how they could do more for God but I doubt few take into consideration how often music has saved someone's life before. From attempts of depressed suicidal intentions or not. A song doesn't necessarily have to be famous. or Christian. or popular. or have words.

Music is music. And peoples hearts are touched by things they can relate towards and told or shown in different ways that they just needed to see, or feel, or in this case hear, at that time...

How do Christians really think God is going to judge secular artists who's songs helped prevented those lives that retracted their thoughts on extra drastic measures to cope with life when they instead found their comfort in melodious tunes of music instead?

As far as the positives reach out for this go. There are also negatives that I'd never agree to however. Such as Anti-Christ themes in music. I disagree whole heartedly of anyone who would try to make a point for those artists who try to attribute such a stance with their music. I don't even consider it to be music really. Just propaganda.