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Pray for Joe. He is dying.
Posted : 25 Aug, 2017 09:19 PM

My great-uncle (who I believe is 85 now) is trapped in the throes of dementia and barely functioning. He has periods of lucidity but is almost entirely deaf as well. His wife (my great-aunt obviously) is worn out and heartsick by it all. They had their 65th anniversary a couple years ago; their closeness will probably mean my aunt won't survive long after he passes. Joe's lived a long and full life. It's just time for him to go home. Soon.

My prayer request is that he does not suffer until then, and that the Lord takes him soon before Laurie's heart breaks completely. And for God to give her the strength to deal with it and ease her heartache. This next part some might not agree with, but- I also want to ask for prayers that she is not alone until she goes home as well, and for it to be sooner rather than later. They should be together in Heaven as they have been for so long on Earth.

To all who have the compassion to pray for Joe and Laurie, thank you. I hope there are many.