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Why is it important to have a Christmas b/f / spouse
Posted : 10 Mar, 2019 03:28 AM

@Dazz that was the cheeky reply.

@JesusSaid very true.

I am contemplating on both sides because of the time and place I found myself in. Sometimes I sway on finding someone from Non-Chrisitan belief system. Since it is the best option as it looks like, in a place where not many are true believers. But then when I ponder in quietness, it dawns on me that there would be conflicting wills from offering tithes, supporting missions, prayer to God which is our moral duty and offering praise which is our act of worship.

Also when the children comes, a believer father or mother would definitely like their child to know the Lord and grow him in the Love of God. It is the matter of eternal destination. Will my unbelieving spouse allow that. Unless they are too submissive on this matter and even then what about Christian value system that is way apart then worlds idea of ethical value system. Would my unbelieving spouse be able to understand that. How could they if the Holy Spirit would not lead them to all because they do not believe the God of the Bible and His Word which has the power to cut through my soul.

I ponder on all these questions. So far I have not yet sucumbed to finding a mate in Hindu setup in which I am born...


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Is there no Happy Balance? Without Extremes?
Posted : 10 Mar, 2019 03:04 AM

Ma'am. Buidling on Dazz's reply, I would say that what he mentioned is not far from the truth.

The point he is trying to make is not about people who seek a perfect Christian man/woman. An unrealistic person too ideal to be true.

Yes we as believers, those who have professed their faith in Lord Jesus Christ, irrespective of their denominational affiliation on both Catholic and Born again Protestant stream, are suppose to grow in Him in faith and action and there are times when we stagnate but overall we must have to keep moving on. That is a fair assessment I suppose.

When those expectations met with the ideal expectation of an individual it leads to chaos. And there are number of people in here, I think Dazz will agree on it, that falls on either one side of spectrum or another, quite haphazzardly, I must say.

Either they are hyper Christians or those who are name sake. Then there is one kind who think they are but their actions speak too liberal. Good for them. :-)

To answer on your state as you shared in a post to Patrick.

I would not judge you because I have seen believers in Catholicism as well. But I must add this, quite non-judgementally if I may so. Did you prayed on your hands and knees in tear and with fasting in all ferventness, to come to the decision on marriage. Or was it merely based on feelings, emotions, fast heart rates or be consumed by the thought of the person. You should not answer me. It is between you and the Lord.

I have seen up close (though not personal), the effects of bad decision. One person I know got seperated from her so called Chrisitan hubby in 3 months of their marriage. When people do not know the cost they end up in disaster. When the marriage is not sorted in the Will of God to whom we say we are your bondservant, life leads to such disaster.Sadly.

I apologise if in anyways my words hurt you but I tried to write as softly as possible. Again I did not meant to judge you but answer. Thank you.