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Will you submit?
Posted : 6 Feb, 2010 03:45 PM

Hello Lydia,

I am sure that you have very good intentions here, and it is Biblical for wives to submit to their husbands, in most things. However, it is just as Biblical for the husbands to submit to the Lord, and to love their wives as the Lord loves the Church. Many times this is overlooked as well in a marriage, thereby, ultimately and equally contributing to the failure factor. There is a Big difference in being submissive and submersive. I know some women who are overly submissive to the point that they are more concerned it seems, about what their husband thinks and wants over what God himself desires for them. Sometimes even when the decisions seem to be out of the will of God, which can negatively impact the whole family! When a woman puts her husband before God Himself, then he becomes her God. That my friend is what the Bible calls Idolatry. If the husband loves his wife as the Lord loves the church, he will not treat her with disrespect, inconcideration, or should we say, "like a doormat". Then, more than likely, the wife would be all to eager to submit to her husband, in return. To all you women out there who know what i'm talking about... Can I get an Amen?!

God Bless You All!
