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does GOD ever hate you?
Posted : 18 Jun, 2018 04:05 PM

Truth. God is Love. He does not have the capacity to hate anyone no matter what they’ve done. And God does not send people to hell for anything out of hate; he wishes that all would come to repentance. People choose hell for themselves by rejecting the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. It breaks His heart when people reject Jesus because Jesus was the very best God had to give; a gift motivated by love. Anyone who believes God could hate has some theology issues, and is believing a lie. Ma’am, God does not hate you and He never will. Your children made their own decisions out of the free will that was given to them and you are not responsible for their decisions. Love them, pray for them, but don’t give them money or bail them out of jail; give them tough love. God is the best example of a parent because He lets us make mistakes if we choose to, but if we truly are sorry for what we’ve done and want to change, He will welcome anyone back with open arms. An example of this is the story of the prodigal son in Luke 11. The son blew up his life and made a mess of it, yet his father never stopped hoping he’d come back. And the story says the young man, “came to himself”, meaning he realized what a mess he’d made of his life and determined that he would change. And his father saw him coming down the road toward home, and the story says his father ran to him, hugged him and kissed him. That’s the imagery of a Heavenly Father who is waiting for your children to “Come to themselves”. And if jail is what it takes to do it then so be it. I minister in jails and prisons and believe me, it’s a terrible place but it’s a good place to decide to make some life changes. God loves you more than you can imagine. You and your children’s wholeness is His hearts desire. Never believe the lie of the devil that God hates. He wouldnt be holy if He did and He couldn’t be a Righteous Judge if He did. He is your hope, not your enemy. Your enemy is the one Jesus mentions in John 10:10; the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy; the devil. Remember this in closing: God will never put you down and Satan will never build you up. God loves you; Satan hates you. And he would love to have you believe that God hates you because it discourages you, which gives Satan the opportunity to steal your joy and peace. Don’t give him any ground; ask God for His help. And when your children come back from the land of the enemy and into their own borders (Jeremiah 31:16-17) and are repentant for their actions and ready to make life changes? Welcome them with open arms. God loves YOU! And He will accompany you through this life journey if you ask Him. I will pray for the restoration of your family and that truth will be revealed to you, In Jesus name. Blessings.