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2 days
Posted : 1 Feb, 2019 05:46 PM

There is no way for us to know. But if he would do that so soon without explanation and provocation then he isn't a good guy anyway.


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Video Chatting
Posted : 1 Feb, 2019 11:46 AM

I am very slow to give out my number. The reason is that if you have a real psycho on your hands, they're harder to get rid of if they have personal information. But if I make an email exclusively for dating sites and chatting, I can easily walk away. And I have been harrassed through both forms of communication to atest to the easy of dismissal.

So I was asking a guy to video chat on here. He cursed me out.

I like to video chat because I can see someone's facial expressions that way. I once talked on the phone with a guy that made my toes curl to merely hear his voice. But what was detrimental was the silences. Once I saw him on video chat I knew I was not safe with this man; me nor my child. His body language and facial expressions told me far more than a phone convo could. I miss his voice but I felt safer after we stopped communicating.

I say that to say this: "Taking the convo off the site" doesn't mean scammer, liar, psycho or some similar villiany. It could just mean that the person on the other end is being cautious. That they want to meet you in safe ways while they get to know you.


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Age range???
Posted : 1 Oct, 2018 03:52 PM

I would prefer my mate be my age or as much as 5 years older. However, who knows who God has chosen for me? So I make the age group lower and higher than I prefer.

Why should someone change their preferred age range based on anything other than what God has told them and what they prefer? I noticed that this is the complaint of older men. I've ever heard a woman complain about that. And I've seen this complaint on other sites as well.


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Why do women in the USA have an attitude?
Posted : 30 Sep, 2018 07:31 AM

Not all of us have attitudes. Maybe it has something to do with the women you are attracted to. I speak to woman regularly who are pleasant and sweet.


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To Girls: Would you date a Guy who makes minimum wage?
Posted : 29 Sep, 2018 04:18 PM

I'm not wealthy but I would consider dating a guy making minimum wage but I'd have to ask him why he is. At my age, he should be doing far better.


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To Girls: Would you date a fat guy?
Posted : 29 Sep, 2018 04:15 PM

Absolutely. I like a little fat anyway.