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A United States without religion?
Posted : 30 Mar, 2010 06:35 PM

I recently read a article about for the world to tackle truly important problems, people have to stop looking to religion to guide their moral compasses.

It stated that the world should be talking about real problems, like nuclear proliferation and genocide and poverty and the crisis in education,

And that these are issues which tremendous swings in human well-being depend on. And it's not at the center of our moral concern.

The argument that religion causes people to fixate on issues of less moral importance,

And that religion has convinced us that there's something else entirely other than concerns about suffering.

That we should not be concerned about what God wants, and are concerns about what's going to happen in the afterlife, And how we talk about less significant things like gay marriage as if it's the greatest problem of the 21st century instead of more important problems.

That having a liberal president who ostensibly is against gay marriage because his faith tells him it's an abomination."It's completely insane."

And that people shouldn't be afraid to declare that certain acts are right and others are wrong. Such as a person who would spill battery acid on a girl for trying to learn to read, and if it is objectively wrong by scientific standards.

The person argument was that it should be our job to judge and say what is wrong and right instead of saying. Well, to each his own and that everyone has to work out their own strategy for human fulfillment.

And people who place faith in the idea that Christians and people of other religions can be able to put their differences aside and cooperate on global issues is unlikely.

And that there is no way to reconcile Christianity with people of other religions, Because in the end the difference of opinion leaves no compromise.

My opinion is the history of religion in the United States, and the reasons for it's people's' faith, is far more subtle and complicated than any of the one-liner explanations most critics give. This country was indeed that started by Puritans escaping from religious persecution. Part of it is the fact that the country started out with a plurality of religion, and when the constitution was drawn up, everybody wanted to make sure they wouldn't be excluded, including the atheists, Because they and anybody and everybody was welcome here, and that brought in a lot of good people to this country. And that the government uses capitalism and the amount of money that can be fleeced from believers as a excuse not to persecute believers. But as the financial crises in the US increases I expect that the country will not have any option than to give into the beliefs to the one percent of the population that pays almost all the taxes. If you would of ask the people from fifty years ago if the country could diminish to this point what do you think they would say back then. What do you think the status of religion will be in this country in twenty years?


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Is it hard to find God?‏
Posted : 29 Mar, 2010 01:52 AM

Today I was thinking about hell,

And more importantly how many people view hell as an unfair punishment, and if it even exists.

I assume that we all believe God and hell exist.

And how we are all God's children, and we are playing hide and seek with him. Now if you have a young child and you love them just like any parent would, you love to play games with them and see the joy in their faces.

Hide and seek is one of many young children's favorite games. If you have a young child and you two are playing hide and seek, you are not going to go hide in the attic behind a bunch of boxes so that it is nearly impossible for your three year old to find you.

You are going to hide behind the curtains with your feet sticking out, you are going to hide behind the couch but with the top of your head sticking out,

You are going to hide behind a tree that is much thinner than you are. This makes the game possible for the child and brings joy to both them and you.

This is the same way that God 'plays' hide and seek with us. He has not hidden himself so hard that we will never find him.

He has hidden himself in our world but with parts of him sticking out all over the place.

He has made it quite obvious to us all over the universe that he is there just waiting for us to actually seek after him and we are just too bull headed to notice.

Maybe the hardest thing about finding God is trying to figure out what to do once you find him.


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Dennis Hopper.... Dying From Prostate Cancer.
Posted : 27 Mar, 2010 02:03 AM

Mr. Hopper,

May God bless and hold you and your family in his loving arms and give you all comfort and peace.

IF it is God�s will that you go to His heavenly kingdom, go in love and know that you have given millions left behind so very much enjoyment through your movies.

You will live on thru these from now on and you will be missed.

Thank you.

Praying for you and your family.


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Can the religion of Islam be the Antichrist?
Posted : 26 Mar, 2010 11:48 AM

.. 2 Thessalonians 2:4..

"Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."

It is more likely that Darwinism/Science Is The Religion Of The Antichrist,

It is a religion whose founder claimed to be a scientist, its holy book a treatise with a supposedly scientific message, and its devotees people who think of themselves as learned. This religion has penetrated into almost every civilization, every school of thought and every ideology; its adherents number in the hundreds of millions. In every field of specialization - history, sociology, philosophy, psychology, biology, etc. - it is a basic dogma, the "light that illuminates truth."

Darwinism is founded upon the denial of God (Allah) and that it is actually a pagan religion is something that a lot of people - even its followers - have only recently begun to state openly.

Many people fail to realize how intricate and widespread this false religion is. But facts are being continually uncovered in the realm of science that this godless religion cannot tolerate.

With every new development people are once again coming face to face with the reality of creation. The religion of Darwinism is losing strength before questions about how living things first came into existence, the flawless design and complex structure of living creatures, the variety in species, etc.

Every day it loses one more lifeline, for it is a religion that is founded on blind faith and remains impotent in the face of developments in molecular biology, genetics, paleontology and biomathematics. The many recent discoveries in these branches of science show clearly and definitely that evolution is not true.

The only true fact demonstrated time and again by scientific advances is the reality of creation. If you look even with the naked eye at the living things around you, you will find the proof of an extraordinary intelligence, strategy and design. Whether you examine a microscopic sea creature, a single atom, a cell or any living organism, you find an astounding composition. This great intelligence, flawless planning and precise design in every part of nature comes from God, to whom all power and ability belong.


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Harry Potter vs. Narnia...
Posted : 25 Mar, 2010 03:38 PM

In Narnia magic is not for humans, and good people do not attempt it without permission.

I thought that the magic of Narnia represents God�s mysterious and unseen ways that He continues works through the lives of humans.

The Deep Magic was a set of laws placed into Narnia by the "Emperor beyond the Sea" at the time of its creation.

It was written on a table of stone. This law stated that the White Witch was entitled to the blood of a traitor and a son of Adam to do as she wished.

If someone denied her this right then all of Narnia would be destroyed. With her sense of power through this, she had set herself up as Queen of Narnia.

The Deeper Magic that existed before the Deep Magic was brought forth and was unknown,

Know to Jadis because her knowledge went back only to the dawn of time.

Her powers were only rooted in the ordinary realm.

This magic stated that if any innocent being sacrificed themselves in the place of a traitor, that the Stone Table would crack and the death of the innocent person would be reversed.

This is a clear metaphor for the sacrifice of Christ and his crucifixion.

Christ traded his life so the sins of humans could be forgiven and all people have access to deeper spiritual forces.

Aslan goes through many transformations throughout the Chronicles, which serves to illustrate the many facets of God and the many roles Christ played in his life healer, leader, teacher, and an angry figure at somepoint as seen in his reaction to the money changers in the Temple.

Aslan appears more distant and more elusive to find, like the Christ nature in the world.

The story of Narnia implies that there are no shortcuts to the realm of God�s world.

One must follow the moral and ethical steps, and keep the faith in order to eventually move into the realm of Heaven.


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Is Noah considered a Prohet?
Posted : 25 Mar, 2010 01:36 PM

In the bible he had conversations with God and saved every living thing on the planet.

Why isnt he more revered.