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To wink or not to wink
Posted : 12 Jun, 2010 01:16 AM

I don't mind winks but I wouldn't give one. I'd rather send out a message and if the person decides to respond, good. If not, no big deal. A wink is akin to flirting and flirting is playing with fire.


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Why Are Christian Man so hard to connected with
Posted : 12 Jun, 2010 12:58 AM

It's a fallen world and it's only going to get worse, sadly. I think this stems from the fact that more and more people are choosing to go the way of postmodernism and subjective reality. Just because a man goes to church or is in leadership or speaks Christianese, does not make him a follower of Christ. Praying about this would reveal some insight I believe.


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First Kiss
Posted : 12 Jun, 2010 12:56 AM

Before I answer your question, I'd like to state something first. "Before marriage, minimize intimacy. After marriage, maximize it".

I think you understand what I'm going to say now. If the guy expects a kiss, then we can know where that can lead to. Kissing is not a sin, but not kissing on the first date doesn't mean that you are weak, it just means that you are a woman who would like to stand up for her beliefs and that if the man is truly a godly man, he should honor that. Personally, I wouldn't want to kiss or at least would not do a liplock because I know what kind of triggers run in me when that happens.


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Question on certain teaching methods
Posted : 12 Jun, 2010 12:49 AM

A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough. - Galatians 5:9

We are not the judge of whether we can compromise on biblical values or not. The matrix does have parallels, but it's also pretty jacked up in other areas. For example, in the 2nd movie there was a sex scene. Now how would that be honoring to God if there were young men who watched it and therefore got tempted by it? The content makes a big different I believe and we can't be compromising. It's the uncompromising person in his/her situation that makes them holy.


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...and everything in between
Posted : 12 Jun, 2010 12:44 AM

The blind side.


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Posted : 12 Jun, 2010 12:43 AM

Ubuntu 10.04, dual booting with windows 7.


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making babies!!
Posted : 12 Jun, 2010 12:36 AM

Hey. Let me try to answer some of those questions.

1. Is birth control okay? Yay or nay? Are some types okay but others not?

I don't find anything wrong with birth control, as long as it doesn't kill once fertilization happens. For example, I wouldn't consider a pill that would kill a fetus after 7 days or whatever.

2. How should a couple decide whether or not to have children... how many to have... how far apart to space them, etc.?

It starts with prayer. Everything does. Granted, this should be discussed before a marriage, otherwise this could be a serious issue in the marriage. Even if it hasn't been discussed, I still believe that it can be resolved through mutual submission to each other.

3. What if a couple is infertile but still wants children? Is it okay to try to "force" things by taking drugs to stimulate ovulation, using a surrogate, using in vitro fertilisation, etc.? Or, is it a sign that the couple is not meant to have a children? Or, a sign that they should adopt?

Again, prayer. James talks about us seeking wisdom and I do believe that whatever path that God would have us go, we should follow that path.

4. If one of the spouses has a medical condition that could be passed along to the baby, or if the wife has a medical condition that could complicate pregnancy, is it foolish/irresponsible to get pregnant?

Not at all.

5. If a couple has multiples, but didn't want so many babies at once, is it okay to just leave some of the babies at the hospital? Haha... Just kidding... But not kidding about the first 4 questions. Answer those ones! Please and thank you =)

You could actually get a good commission if you wanted to leave a baby at the hospital. Haha I'm also kidding :)