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Time for a change......
Posted : 18 Jul, 2008 08:29 PM

By a lifelong stuggle to understand the female psyche i have come to the conclusion that i should change my profile to look something like this:

Hi, my name is Cliff and all i want is a woman to change me. I hearby promise to never get into arguments but if i do by accident i will answer with the phrase "You are right, i was being a moron". My dirty socks will always be in the hamper, i will always come home with flowers and compliment you for looking beautiful when you wake up in the morning. I will pray that God bless our relationship with an abundance of Prada clothes and many pairs of womens shoes in various colors. I promise to always leave the toilet seat down. I promise to make sure you always have the oil changed in your car and tires rotated regularly. I promise to never smoke crack, stay out of jail and pay all your parking tickets. I promise to never look at other women but if i should slip up and do so i will make sure to tell you what i thought was unatractive about her and mean it. I promise to go to church 6 days a week with the 1 other day completely devoted to giving you foot rubs and lifting all the heavy objects that need moving. I promise to always take out the garbage before you ask and kill all spiders and snakes before you ever see them. All jars will be opened upon demand. I will like all your freinds and family and they will like me. I promise to write you love poems everyday in french and all songs i write will have your name written in the title. I promise to listen to all complaints and agree immediatly and mean it.

So does this sound good?

Any takers?


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christian music/secular music
Posted : 8 Jul, 2008 12:34 AM

Sorry guys but i have a different view than the "normal" christian one represented by most of you here. I believe all art ultimatly has the hand of God in it. Maybe not always through the artist consciously. Think of it this way, God created us and everything and what we produce is an extension of his plan so in short God is creator of all art. For somebody just to sit back as an artist and say " i'm only going to write about this one subject and nothing more" i think they are completely missing the point. Everybody should be allowed to express themselves. The same right that protects self expression also protects your right to worship in the manner you choose. Something like music could never be a complete work of art, it's only merely an extension of how the artist lives their life out before God and all of us. Life is God true artform and i think it's equally important for everybody to see all sides. The main problem i have when it comes down to it with christian music in general is that after seeing how the music buisness works from the inside i have a hard time believing that the artist is being completely honest. This pseudo pop white christian music out there today is possibly the most boring and uncreative music ever invented (to me at least). You can go ahead and like it if you want but personally i think the old school hymns that i grew up on in church are 10x more creative and inspiring. Handing somebody one of these newer style psudo christian pop cds to minister to them could possibly be the worst thing i could think of to hook them in. I'm a techno dj and i'll sit there in the club cranking out techno for an hour or two and then go into some gospel house music and watch the people come up to the decks asking me what that was i just dropped on there. However if i was to sit there and play a whole set of it i would clear the floor in a half hour. This kind of music is much more effective in moderation. Humans go through a huge range of emotions in their life and to just sit there and throw only one at them is so completely dishonest. There isn't one person here that thinks what these songs are saying every minute of everyday and if you say you are, you are either lying or completely insane.


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Reformed Bad Boy vs. Churchy Guy
Posted : 17 Apr, 2008 11:06 PM

Do you ladies prefer the Ned Flanders type or the reformed bad boy when it comes to picking a Christian man?


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christian music/secular music
Posted : 17 Apr, 2008 06:50 PM

I think something needs to be said here. Whenever i hear this discussion i always see it go into a good vs evil direction that i think is straight up false. I produce music on a professional level for a living so i think i may have a unique perspective to add to the conversation.

First thing i see happen is that certain music gets referred to as godly while other gets referred to as not. Rock music is usually the one that gets talked about but let me throw something into your brain and make you think for a second. If there is a such thing as ungodly music then anything that is blues related whether it be rock and roll or r&b should be thrown into that catagory. The history of blues music is as follows. When slaves came over from the carribean they brought their culture with them which included voodoo. The voodoo rhythm which translates musicly into straight syncopation is used to call in spirits. This forms the rhythmic basis of all rock and roll and blues. The blues variation on this rhythm is about one thing and the blues great Robert Johnson said it best "Blues is about one thing, a man and a woman" so in other words sex. You see it's not the words that makes something rock and roll it's the rhythm and the music therefore anything that is build on this platform by mostly all christian standards can in no way be called godly. It is pagan in it's very hertitage and nature.

I think the whole argument of good vs evil music is false at the very core. Music is nothing more than a person expressing themselves and their view on the world. The very best of the best music are the ones that do this the most effectively. If music is nothing more than expression the same way speech is then if all of you that believe in this false godly vs ungodly music must believe the same thing when it refers to free speech in general. However if you were to turn off your ability to listen to anybody that had a different view on the universe than you do how will you be able to fulfil your duty as a christian and be able to know who needs to see a good christian example for their life and needs to be introduced to the true message of God. Don't be fooled by the "Christian" music buisness because make no mistake about it, at the end of the day they are a buisness. I'm not saying that the musicians are bad because most of them in my opinion may be mislead into thinking that what they do is for the greater good but i know first hand that the christian music buisness has almost nothing to do with music and has everything to do with buisness and YOU are their target demographic.

I am going to tick off some of the people in this thread when i say this but i am about to tell you the real truth and this reality is very stark and jarring. The music buisness is a buisness of smoke and mirrors. I know this will make some people mad but this is the truth, Christian music songwriters are just frankly not as skilled at writing music as the ones in the rest of the industry. Christian music is written based upon a formula. My life would be a whole lot easier if all i did was write music about one subject. This music at it's very core is not completely emotionally honest and people can tell, it may not be consciously but they can tell and this is why the music is not popular. Nobody that i have ever met in my entire life has sat there living a non christian life and then hears a Michael W. Smith song then said "hey you know what everything i was thinking was wrong, i think i should go to church now!". That's because this music is not made to minister to the non believer it is made with the exact purpose to get the money from YOU.

It is your job as a God fearing person to seek truth in everything in order to know in the end times how not to take the "mark" and not wander through life in a daze. In the bible it says "they perished for lack of knowledge" i beg of you be smart and logical in the way you make your arguments and recognize the false ones when you hear them. People that introduce anything into the world based upon a corporate model in order to make a profit upon good Christian people are doing the exact thing the money changers did at the temple in the time of Jesus and Jesus knew exactly what to do about them. All music is a gift from God along with everything else in this world. Everything is a test and the only way to pass the test is to keep your faith in the face of anything you see or hear in front of you and as in real life. You do not get a passing grade if you choose to not look at the question and not answer it. True faith is not blind.

I know some of you will not agree with me and that's fine because i don't say any of this to seek approval. I am relating to you the truth from the inside of the business. I'm not telling you to throw away all your christian music because i believe that you should listen to whatever you wish but you should know it's purpose before making an argument for good and evil as it relates to music.