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what's the weirdest, strangest, dating exsperence you've ever had?
Posted : 8 Mar, 2012 12:25 PM

I think the weirdest date I've ever been on was with a girl I dated back in high school, I took her to the movies, her mom decided to try and go with us.. then finally caught on it was a date, and decided to try and give me tips and make random gestures for me to kiss her daughter.. and if that wasnt akward enough, then we went in to the theater, started watching the movie. mid-way through it I tried to put my hand over her shoulder.

...she made a growl sound and bit me! I quickly yanked my arm back and stayed quiet the rest of the movie. then, after the movie ended, she got me to buy her $40 in books

two years later, she called me asking if I was flirting with her when I put my hand over her shoulder... lol


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I just don't get it...
Posted : 8 Mar, 2012 12:15 PM

well, the best I can say is, just keep praying.. sooner or later god will bring you a nice god..

trust me, I've had a few girls like that as well ^^;


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Posted : 8 Mar, 2012 12:13 PM

actually... fievel, from the movie "an american tale"

he became my favorite at an early age, because it was a colorful and happy movie, with great morals

and as I got older, I loved it for being an amazing family movie, who showed a little glimpse of the past, and had a Jewish family as the main characters

its one of those moments when I felt there was still hope for the world, and its a movie I hope that, one day, when I have kids, I will show to them :)


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Why Are We Here? Really?
Posted : 8 Mar, 2012 12:05 PM

well, for me, I'm here because it is very rare to find good christian girls my age where I live, most people seem to care more about they're own pleasures.. and fear the idea of a force they cant control or force to do what they want (god)

so they reject it, even when they know deep down inside he is real.

and for my church.. there seems to only be older women there, all the people there who were around my age, were only there for one main reason, either they want to feel clean, not to get close to god.. but to JUST feel clean, usually its for a sin in the past they want to forget

whether it was for sex, stealing, etc

and here, I have met many girls who actually want a connection with god, and want to grow closer to him and build a relationship with a man, and dedicate it to god.

whether its for a friendship or marriage :glow: