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***Poems, Riddles and Jokes***
Posted : 1 Feb, 2009 11:25 PM

"Midnight Poetry"

I thought I'd shell out a few words of peace tonight before I go to sleep

and what better way than in poetry to express my thoughts to thee

in a letter that saves a living tree, one that is older than both you and me

firmly rooted in grass of green right next to a peaceful flowing crystal stream

that winds its way through the valley, past the towns and trashcan alleys

until it finally reaches the salty sea with an appearance that no longer is desirable to least not to me

In a way we're just the same, we start out pure and then make mistakes

that either just direct our fate towards what we continue to make of life

or either turn us toward the righteous path traveled by Jesus Christ.

A road that is very much untraveled but well thought of and liked

in a world where sin and temptation are hurled at us left and right

as if to be the pollution a mountain stream has to battle with and fight

before it finally finishes out the course of its short lived life.

Yes I do sometimes feel like this comparison is very real and much alike

as I make my way through the day towards that final end of life

where I'll be old and gray much wiser than today in thought and sight

but thin and frail as slow as a snail having very little strength or might

to crawl out of bed and head outside into the mornings golden light

to watch the misty dew melt away or watch the baby birds take flight

only then to breathe my last and complete this course of life

purified by death from the blood shed by Christ


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***Poems, Riddles and Jokes***
Posted : 10 Jan, 2009 11:51 PM

Well I felt it was complete and accomplished how I wanted it to end, but your comments have inspired me to once again pick up my pen~

~*Angel Whisper*~ (Continuation)

While the final stroke of midnight resounded through the air

I stretched my arms and legs and pushed back in my chair

Ready to call it a night and make my way upstairs

To my feet I stood only to turn once more to view

The tree line of the pines that were lit dimly by the moon

when I saw a flickering light off in the distance loom

Several times I blinked my eyes to make sure something was there

For my vision was kind of blurry after dozing in my chair

And the light was nothing more than a smidget of a glare

Intently focused there I stood silent as I stared

Deep into the shadows of the forest before me there

Unsure if I was gazing upon something unknown and rare

For the light began to move with great speed erratically

To an fro it sank and rose changing every color one could dream

"It was unbelievable" I tell you, and unlike anything I've seen

Up and down and all around it fluttered without a sound

Traveling through the forest amongst the trees and along the ground

Surrounded by an aura that dazzled like a diamond crown

What on Earth was this presence that my eyes gazed upon

Was its intent to help and heal or misguide and harm

That's all I could ponder as I continued looking on

Further into the forest it began moving from my view

At a speed too fast to follow on a foot pursuit

And within a matter of moments it vanished into the midnight hue

Several minutes passed but I still stood there in amazement

Staring where I last glimpsed the beauty of its brilliance

But it never did reappear and head back in my direction

As I made my way inside I truly defined two steps forward and one step back

For I would move a little and then stop and turn in my tracks

Hoping again to see whatever it was, but it never did comeback

That night I laid awake for hours analyzing all I'd seen

Trying to comprehend the bigger picture of what it all did mean

Yes it was close to dawn before I finally drifted off in a dream~*


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***Poems, Riddles and Jokes***
Posted : 22 Dec, 2008 12:02 AM

~*Angel Whisper*~

I heard a distant whisper come a echoing through the trees

I turned and looked west...then east...but nothing I did see.

I only felt the gentle touch of the midnight breeze.

Back to my book I turned when again I heard a sound

Come sailing on the breeze like an elegant feathered fowl

but still... I was unable to make the whisper out

I arose from my chair and turned around and stared

Scouting out the tree line expecting something there

When again I heard a whisper come floating through the air

Uncertain but quite sure a question is what I heard

Fleeing from the forest with the wings of a bird

Asking "What is it you search upon this earth?"

Silently there I stood unsure if I should speak

Uncertain if this question was even addressed to me

When again with the wind the echo returned to me

This time I spoke but in a whisper of my own

Still in a voice of confidence and authoritative tone

"I seek to fulfill the will of God...and that alone"

I stood there waiting for somekind of response or sign

Listening while looking towards the tree line of the pines

Yes waiting there I did for quite a length of time

I began thinking I'd imagined that this was taking place

or perhaps it was just another testing of my faith

Unsure of either I sat back down to contemplate

How I could grow stronger in my faith as the hour grew late.