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What exactly IS important to you?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2008 10:11 AM

Your question is a perfectly valid question!

However I believe that NOT ONLY women fall into the value system of society today. Men face problems with that as well (specifically in deciding how to treat a woman and how to stay pure). I have seen in my few years as a young adult how easy it can be for a man (or woman) to fall into the craft snares of Satan and his "new value system." What one must realize however is that we are not of this world; which is easier said than practiced. I will admit that every male looks for a good looking woman to marry. But that should be a second (or third priority depending on how one looks at it) to her belief in Christ's salvation and her character (defined by me as: What one does when they THINK no one is watching-b/c someone always is watching).

I genuinely pray that an accident of that caliber does not happen to anyone's loved one; but should it happen I then pray for the strength to continue. I have not seen any better example than that of my aunt who stays by my uncles side (and will continue to stay) through his 20+ years of dealing with MS. It has put him in a wheel chair and he has lost almost all of his fine motor skills (he has essentially destroyed their house with his motor-chair) but she still loves him. That is the type of love that BOTH the woman and the man should strive to commit to their spouse!

Hope that helps some!