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Christians can Listen to Secular Music
Posted : 22 Apr, 2012 09:06 AM

Just my opinion, but it's not a cut-and-dry answer.

Music stirs the heart and crosses over languages; it's one of my many passions. Therefore, I love a wide variety.

However, just because Jesus hung out with sinners AND has 100% paid for our sins, I don't perceive that as permission to listen to music with bad language or do the things I'd done before He saved me. Whatever we listen to or see with our eyes affects our spirit (like it not, that's what the Word teaches me). Then, there's another factor - as we are the salt and a light in the world, our music and listening habits influence others for better or worse.

Blessings and honor,



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Weird Question
Posted : 22 Apr, 2012 08:44 AM

I'll answer the best I can. Guys say it's easy to talk to me about their feelings. Sometimes they ask "Do you think I'm too soft?" Or after doing something really kind-hearted, they say something like, "It's not a reflection of my manhood." As the conversation progresses, turns out there have been women who made them feel if they're too nice or so "out there" with their feelings, then they're not as manly. This is CRAZY-MAKING.

I'm very feminine; therefore, am attracted to someone who is very masculine. There is NOTHING about kindness, tears, etc. that's unmanly. Both people must feel so free with each other that they can TOTALLY be themselves (like dancing as though no one is watching, like being completely transparent with the deepest feelings, like knowing beyond a doubt that there's 100% acceptance between you). Otherwise, you're not truly getting to know each other clearly.

One last thought, personality, spiritual condition and upbringing have an affect upon how sensitive a person is. As a young child, the super sensitive person will get their feelings hurt easily. But with maturity and the Lord Jesus shaping the heart, the person turns that sensitivity toward the needs of others instead of self.

Go find yourself a woman who understands men a little better and the way they tick. Maybe one of the questions you want to ask is "Are you attracted to the BAD BOY type of guy?" Then, listen VERY carefully to the next words out of her mouth.

Blessings and honor,
