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What A Woman Wants
Posted : 12 Jun, 2012 07:39 AM

Your question is extremely hard to answer in the context of which you framed it, but I will give it a shot.

The question being:

"What are the 3 top qualities you�d prefer in a woman of your interest to desire in a man."

Not in any particular order, but that she desire.

1. His Godly attributes.

2. That he can articulate his faith and be Christ like in his role as head of the household.

3. That physical desire is only part of the overall desire for him and his company.

Is that along the lines of the answer you were seeking?


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What A Woman Wants
Posted : 12 Jun, 2012 07:38 AM

Your question is extremely hard to answer in the context of which you framed it, but I will give it a shot.

The question being:

"What are the 3 top qualities you�d prefer in a woman of your interest to desire in a man."

Not in any particular order, but that she desire.

1. His Godly attributes.

2. That he can articulate his faith and be Christ like in his role as head of the household.

3. That physical desire is only part of the overall desire for him and his company.

Is that along the lines of the answer you were seeking?


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What A Woman Wants
Posted : 12 Jun, 2012 07:37 AM

Your question is extremely hard to answer in the context of which you framed it, but I will give it a shot.

The question being:

"What are the 3 top qualities you�d prefer in a woman of your interest to desire in a man."

Not in any particular order, but that she desire.

1. His Godly attributes.

2. That he can articulate his faith and be Christ like in his role as head of the household.

3. That physical desire is only part of the overall desire for him and his company.

Is that along the lines of the answer you were seeking?


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Would you or would you not marry a Filipina? Why yes or why not?
Posted : 12 Jun, 2012 02:32 AM

strikemaster, you are right about the problem in Australia.

There have been so many Aussie's taken to the cleaners via the way you have discribed.

Without going into details, I was offered a sum of money by someone from overseas to marry them, with the intention of getting a divorce after their permanent residency came through.

So it happens, and not just from the two countries that you previously mentioned either.

In all things, commit your plans to God in prayer.


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Posted : 10 Jun, 2012 04:39 AM

found a list for you to read.

Who am I?

I am the salt of the earth [Matt. 5:13]

I am the light of the world [Matt. 5:14]

I am a child of God [John 1:12]

I am part of the true vine,

a channel of Christ�s life [John 15:1, 5]

I am Christ�s friend [John 15:15]

I am chosen and appointed

by Christ to bear His fruit [John 15:16]

I am a slave of righteousness [Rom. 6:18]

I am enslave to God [Rom. 6:22]

I am a son of God;

God is spiritually my Father [Rom. 8:14, 15

Gal. 3:26; 4:6]

I am a joint heir with Christ,

sharing His inheritance with Him [Rom. 8:17]

I am a temple

- a dwelling place - of God.

His Spirit and His life dwell in me. [1 Cor. 3:16;


I am united to the Lord

and am one spirit with Him [1 Cor. 6:17]

I am a member of Christ�s Body [1 Cor. 12:27

Eph. 5:30]

I am a new creation [2 Cor. 5:17]

I am reconciled to God

and am a minister of reconciliation [2 Cor. 5:18, 19]

I am a son of God and one in Christ [Gal. 3:26, 28]

I am an heir of God

since I am a son of God [Gal. 4:6, 7]

I am a saint [1 Cor. 1:2

Eph. 1:1

Phil. 1:1

Col. 1:2]

I am God�s workmanship

- His handiwork

- born anew in Christ to do His work

[Eph 2:10]

I am a fellow citizen with the rest of

God�s family [Eph. 2:19]

I am a prisoner [Eph. 3:1; 4:1]

I am righteous and holy [Eph. 4:24]

I am a citizen of heaven,

seated in heaven right now [Eph. 2:6

Phil. 3:20]

I am hidden in Christ in God [Col. 3:3]

I am an expression of the life of Christ

because He is my life [Col. 3:4]

I am chosen of God,

holy and dearly loved [Col. 3:12

1 Thess. 1:4]

I am a son of light and not of darkness [1 Thess. 5:5]

I am a holy partaker of a heavenly calling [Heb. 3:1]

I am a partaker of Christ,

I share in His life [Heb. 3:14]

I am one of God�s living stones,

being built up in Christ as a spiritual

house [1 Pet. 2:5]

I am a member of a chosen race,

a royal priesthood,

a holy nation,

a people for God�s own possession [1 Pet. 2:9, 10]

I am an alien and stranger to this world

in which I temporarily live [1 Pet. 2:11]

I am born of God, and the evil one

- the devil - cannot touch [1 John 3:1, 2]

I am not the great �I am� [Exod. 3:14;

John 8:24, 28, 58],

but by the grace of God,

I am what I am [1 Cor. 15:10]

Since I am in Christ, by the grace of God�

I have been justified - completely

forgiven and made righteous [Rom. 5:1]

I died with Christ and died to the

power of sin�s rule over my life [Rom. 6:1-6]

I am free forever from condemnation [Rom. 8:1]

I have been placed into Christ

by God�s doing [1 Cor. 1:30]

I have received the Spirit of God into

my life that I might know the things

freely given to me by God [1 Cor. 2:12]

I have been given the mind of Christ [1 Cor. 2:16]

I have been bought with a price;

I am not my own; I belong to God [1 Cor. 6:19, 20]

I have been established, anointed and

sealed by God in Christ, and I have

been give the Holy Spirit as a pledge

guaranteeing our inheritance to come [2 Cor. 1:21, 22

Eph. 1:13, 14]

Since I have died,, I no longer live for

myself, but for Christ [2 Cor. 5:14, 15]

I have been made righteous [2 Cor. 5:21]

I have been crucified with Christ and it

is no longer I who live , but Christ lives

in me. The life I am now living is

Christ�s life [Gal. 2:20]

I have been blessed with every spiritual

blessing [Eph. 1:3]

I was chosen in Christ before the

Foundation of the world to be holy and

am without blame before Him [Eph. 1:4]

I was predestined - determined by God

- to be adopted as God�s son [Eph. 1:5]

I have been redeemed and forgiven, and

I am a recipient of His lavish grace [Eph. 1:7, 8]

I have been made alive together with

Christ [Eph. 2:5]

I have been raised up and seated with

Christ in heaven [Eph. 2:6]

I have direct access to God through the

Spirit [Eph.2:18]

I may approach God with boldness,

freedom and confidence [Eph. 3:12]

I have been rescued from the domain

of satan�s rule and transferred to

the kingdom of Christ [Col. 1:13]

I have been redeemed and forgiven of

all my sins. The debt against me has

been cancelled [Col. 1:14]

Christ Himself is in me [Col. 1:27]

I am firmly rooted in Christ and am now

being built in Him [Col. 2:7]

I have been made complete in Christ [Col. 2:10]

I have been spiritually circumcised [Col. 2:11]

I have been buried, raised and made

alive with Christ [Col. 2:12, 13]

I died with Christ and I have been raised

up with Christ. My life I now hidden

with Christ in God. Christ is now

my life. [Col.3:1-4]

I have been given a spirit of power, love

and self-discipline [2 Tim. 1:7]

I have been saved and set apart

according to God�s doing [2 Tim. 1:9

Titus 3:5]

Because I am sanctified and am one with

the Sanctifier, He is not ashamed to call

me brother [Heb. 2:11]

I have the right to come boldly before the

throne of God to find mercy and grace

in time of need [Heb. 4:16j]

I have been given exceedingly great and

precious promises by God by which

I am a partaker fo God�s divine nature [2 Pet. 1:4]


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Posted : 10 Jun, 2012 04:24 AM


Have read your posts here, and checked out your profile to get an idea of what you are up against.

Here's a few of my comments for what they are worth.

I'm an Aussie, so work place bullying maybe handled different in the United States.

1. Document every time he harasses you [all details].

2. Lodge a formal complaint, of bullying and harassment.

3. Pray for this bloke who is the cause of so much trouble for

you, we are to pray for our enemies.

4. Pray about the issues that he "pushes all your buttons" about.

5. Read out aloud before you go to work, Ephesians 6:10-18.

6. Forgive this bloke for his treatment of you, and every time

after that also forgive him. Keep short accounts with God.

7. Tell him to his face he is a bully, and this harassment is to

stop, there and then.

Apart from number 1 on the list, everything else I have done when faced with workplace bullying.

Part of the reason is being mean to you, is you said "no" to him and his ego took a hit when you said that.

Remember this, you are an attractive young woman, and do not base your self worth on what he say, base it on what God says about you in His word.

Look up "in Christ" in your Bible, there are plenty of references in the book of Romans, and through out the new testament.

As in all things pray about what you should do.

Talk to God about what I've written and find out if you should use what I have suggested.

Yours in Christ.


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Posted : 10 Jun, 2012 02:28 AM

Final quest, is on my list to get a copy and read.


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Drama, Re-bounce Or True love ???
Posted : 7 Jun, 2012 01:17 AM

So that I am on the same page as you, I just want to repeat what I think you are relating here.

Person [a] was in contact with person [j], who in the course of ongoing communications, expressed that their feelings had gone deeper than friendship. Person [a] did not reply in the way that person [j] was hoping/expecting, thereby causing person [j] to withdraw from continual communication. Due to this happening person [g] became the main focus of communication, and an ever deepening friendship ensued. Person [a] did not respond the way person [g] had expected, when person [g] also expressed their feelings for person [a]. So person [g] moved on, leaving person [a] to pick up the pieces of the broken friendship. Person [a] then re-contacted person [j], because they were hurt and they knew person [j] would listen to their plight. Now person [a] is in a quandary as to person [j], because person [j] has finally expressed how he [j] has felt all along.

Without wanting to take sides or sound mean or anything like that, can I say this.

Person [a] has a problem, much of their own making.

Person [a] should have resolved the issue with person [j] rather than sitting back and doing nothing, and adopting a wait and see policy.

Person [a] also took the same approach with person [g], and it bore disastrous results.

Person [a] is DEFINITELY on the rebound from the breakdown with person [g], and DESPITE what person [j] says, about [j]s feelings towards person [a], person [a] is too much emotional turmoil to make a accurate decision about pursuing person [j] at this time.

I would suggest, a break of a few months for [a] to try and sort them selves out a bit, by all means communicate this to person [j], but do not read the feelings [a] has for [j] now as being accurate or true love, they are re-bound feelings.

Person [a] needs to be wary of feelings that will end up causing more hurt in the long run.

I have been in this situation myself, and at that time, you can easily over look warning signs that you to take heed off.


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Drama, Re-bounce Or True love ???
Posted : 7 Jun, 2012 01:16 AM

So that I am on the same page as you, I just want to repeat what I think you are relating here.

Person [a] was in contact with person [j], who in the course of ongoing communications, expressed that their feelings had gone deeper than friendship. Person [a] did not reply in the way that person [j] was hoping/expecting, thereby causing person [j] to withdraw from continual communication. Due to this happening person [g] became the main focus of communication, and an ever deepening friendship ensued. Person [a] did not respond the way person [g] had expected, when person [g] also expressed their feelings for person [a]. So person [g] moved on, leaving person [a] to pick up the pieces of the broken friendship. Person [a] then re-contacted person [j], because they were hurt and they knew person [j] would listen to their plight. Now person [a] is in a quandary as to person [j], because person [j] has finally expressed how he [j] has felt all along.

Without wanting to take sides or sound mean or anything like that, can I say this.

Person [a] has a problem, much of their own making.

Person [a] should have resolved the issue with person [j] rather than sitting back and doing nothing, and adopting a wait and see policy.

Person [a] also took the same approach with person [g], and it bore disastrous results.

Person [a] is DEFINITELY on the rebound from the breakdown with person [g], and DESPITE what person [j] says, about [j]s feelings towards person [a], person [a] is too much emotional turmoil to make a accurate decision about pursuing person [j] at this time.

I would suggest, a break of a few months for [a] to try and sort them selves out a bit, by all means communicate this to person [j], but do not read the feelings [a] has for [j] now as being accurate or true love, they are re-bound feelings.

Person [a] needs to be wary of feelings that will end up causing more hurt in the long run.

I have been in this situation myself, and at that time, you can easily over look warning signs that you to take heed off.


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Women and Bikinis on a Christian dating site
Posted : 19 May, 2012 07:41 AM

Women in Bikini�s on a Christian Dating site was the post�s heading.

I have read every post listed in reply pertaining to this post.

This post was not a question as to the appropriateness of bikini photos. What it actually was personal attack by one member on another member. Which is a far more inappropriate and obscene thing to be posted, on any dating website, especially one purported to a Christian dating website.

The quoted text of 1 Timothy 2:9-10 in the original message of distain for said photo to the woman who posted the bikini shot, is an inappropriate use of the text, and it is totally taken out of the context it was written, to whom it was written, and about what subject it was addressing.

The fiery reply is then held up for public ridicule, and to bolster the inappropriateness of the profiles photos.

The real issue here, is not the photo�s and the publishing of both messages.

The real issue, is that an opinion was formed, a judgement made, an offence taken, followed by inappropriate action, all based on one persons view of another persons behaviour, on what is now the smaller issue.

The response taken, is clearly unscriptural, unsound assessment, and a form of grandstanding.

There are mechanisms in place to make official complaints about another persons profile and/or behaviour. These were not activate or used, so how can one avoid the conclusion that this is nothing but a �character assignation� of one member by another.

Which highlights a more concerning problem than bikini photos.

One reply mentioned Mark 9:47:

And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hellfire- NKJV

That does not work, plucking your eye out will not stop you lusting after a woman. I have a mate who has no eyes, they were both surgically removed years ago. There removal has not stopped him from struggling with the same issues as a sighted person.

2 Corinthians 10:5a is appropriate.

,bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

It is not the looking that is the problem, for there will be times when we are unexpectedly exposed to inappropriate images, it is the second look and the dwelling on the images that causes the problem.

In John 8:3-11, the account of the adulterous woman.

It has been stated, that the reason Jesus stooped down to wrote on the ground, was she was brought before Him naked. So He took action to avert His eyes from her, at the same time defuse the situation, and teach a lesson.