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****PUSH-UP BRAS****
Posted : 29 Jan, 2011 10:46 AM

This is NOt a topic you should be asking about ...How is this honoring to the LORD ...

I find your Question ....very ungodly

Maybe youi should try a different sight , if you care to talk about womans undergarments with woman and men .


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GOD answered prayers
Posted : 27 Sep, 2010 09:24 AM

I simple loved this story and have often seen God work and manifest himself to me like this in other ways of course,not with milk but so many other Faith stories I could tell of the things God has done and provided through out the years for me and my daughter's That have only taught me to trust Him..


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If your house caught on fire and everyone was safe what would be the first thing you got out?
Posted : 31 May, 2010 07:34 PM

If I could only get one thing ..and no people were in danger,I would say ..My Bible

That would be the most important thing to me


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How does a couple overcome past family sexual molestation issues?
Posted : 27 Feb, 2010 06:04 PM

Please, please respect her by not telling any more of her very personal horror that she must have went through...

I'm so sorry for what she must have gone through My heart crys for her and now you are effected by it too...

These things have a way of going on for generations sadly enough "Our Fathers sin's' will be visted apon thier children and thier childrens, children"...

BUT ....

(I feel) So Strongly that you are breaking her trust with you. I'm sure it was so hard for her to tell you all this and that based on what you have siad it took her a long time to be able to even tell you ....Please,.. airing this on a free date sight that is seen by thousands.

If she knew Im sure she would once again feel betrayed by yet an other she was to trust...

Her biggest issue's are trusting the ones she is supose to love,.. This can spill into trusting God as well

She needs unconditional love ...Do you know what that is ?


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I need your feedback. Is mt picture inapropriate for this site?
Posted : 7 Feb, 2010 05:14 PM


In Responce to your question ..YES,

I think the picture is very much inapropiate as do all the others who have given thier honest mind to give you an answer that you ask for it the answer you seek ? It appears it is not . Do we always get the answer we want we don't,.. but if you look long enough and ask enough people you will get someone to finally agree with you.

I see no one basing you or disrespecting you in thier answers ..only truth in love and kindness right out of the sctiptures ..

In responce to what do I think Jesus said or did with those woman ..I think He would have possible thrown somthing over thier flesh and said..Go and Sin No more...!!!

For me,

I know the life I use to live and it can not hold a candel to the one He has given me now ..honor and respect.

As for the guys on here that you speak of that try to entice woman with thier bodies, cars and homes.

That was not a part of your question of how others dress nor should it be part of your defense to our telling you the scriptures view of your question.

that "I need your feedback. Is MY picture inapropriate for this sight"

We opened ourselfs up just as you do to give an answer so you should not bash people for the answers you get ..

Reguarding those guys you speak of

All they have and show's all here today and gone tomorrow ..the Bilbe tells us to set our affections on the things above not on the things of this earth.

I would ask you to do the same ..set your affections on things above is hard to put the flesh aside ..if we all want to honor and serve Him ..must do just that ..put the flesh aside ...I still struggle in many areas of my life, with putting the flest aside, and I will surly not cast the first stone sota speak ..but know He is good and faithful and just to forgive us of our sins ..does that give us a get out of jail card to go freely and it does not. The more we love him the more we will try to please Him ..

Any time you would like to talk woman to woman of the thing of our lord, or in fact even pray ..please feel free to get in contact with me .. Oh by the way, thank you for asking us,

I know we all are blessed and pleased to be guiding you to right back to the feet of Jesus .

In His love, Joann


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Prayer request for my 5 year old son Ethan....
Posted : 7 Feb, 2010 06:47 AM

Hi ,

My heart goes out to you too.I'm sure your pain is great in his leaving. I have offerd up prayer for Ethan and his mom, its clear her thoughts are not whats best for her son. How ever take into heart that God allowed Ethan to have the first few years of His life with a godly man ...Was Moses given more than that..I think not !

Is it possible for you to still be in touch with Ethan ? Letters notes, cards anything to somehow still be an influence in his life even if it is only from a distance for now.

May God be with seams he already was from a young age when he was placed in your care ..

Hi Blessings to you. J


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Posted : 7 Jan, 2010 10:40 AM

Dear CattleMan,

I beg to differ with you about saying my post belives that everyone should be free to do as he pleases.

The Pastor who wrote it is merely giving all views before he drives his point home.

If you reread the article you will see it's very close to your views..He has an eloquent way of putting it all. I agree with his line of thinking. Thanks, J


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Posted : 5 Jan, 2010 06:21 PM

I found this's very good and I think covers alot Thanks ,Joann


By Pastor James R. Hines

The foulest word in the vocabulary of many religionists today is that nasty noun, �legalism.� The most scandalous doctrine afoot is �legalism.� The harshest accusation that can come from some quarters is that of being labeled a �legalist.� Humanists, liberals and neo-evangelicals gladly join forces and raise their voices in unison to chant intonations against the awful dangers and various ills of �legalism.�

�Legalism�: the very word conjures up pictures of Salem witches being burned at the stake and morbid puritans in black coats and stiff collars. It smacks of whipping posts and long sermons and rules against smiling. It is equated with pharisaism and old fashioned notions long since gone out of style.

Now who might be accused of being a legalist in these enlightened days? Who are these people that can be so mistaken in their doctrines? Why, it is the Baptists, the fundamentalists! It is those old-fashioned, Bible thumping preachers that still talk about sin and tell people what God says they should do and shouldn�t do. It is us! We are the culprits who would rob Christians of their joy and force them to live under a yoke of bondage. We are the insidious teachers who would strip people of their freedom and place them under the restraining shackles of legalism. Outsiders visit fundamental Baptist services and hear preaching against gambling and drinking and movie-going and say, �My, such legalism.� The neo-evangelical crowd looks at our Christian schools with rules and standards demanding that students dress decently, look decent and act decently and says, �My, aren�t they legalistic.� Broad-minded Christians hear us calling sin sin and labeling false doctrine as false doctrine and conclude that such attitudes stem from our narrow-minded legalism.

Now, pray tell, what really is a legalist? There is a false definition of legalism and a Biblical definition. In the thinking of most Christians, any presentation of Christianity which maintains standards, practices separation from the world and has a code of conduct is guilty of legalism. This notion is expressed in the liberal Dictionary of Philosophy which defines legalism as �The insistence on a strict literal or overt observance of certain rules of conduct, or the belief that there are rules which must be so obeyed.� Christians who decry legalism invariably turn to the book of Galatians for a Scriptural indictment of legalism. Galatians is the book that speaks against legalism and warns believers not to let themselves be put under the law. But this �legalism� described and written against the Galatians is not the legalism spoken against today. The Biblical concept of legalism is far different.

Biblical �legalism� was the teaching advanced by some of the Jewish community which insisted that it was necessary to keep some of the law of Moses in order to gain salvation. To them salvation was gained by faith in Christ and observing the legal system of Moses. Webster properly defines legalism in this way as �the doctrine of salvation by good works.� Paul wrote the Galatian epistle to counteract such legalism and make it plain that salvation was by faith alone, without the deeds of the law. �...a man is not justified by the works of the law� (2:16); �...if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain� (2:21); �...that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident...� (3:11); �...if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law� (3:21); �...the law as our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith� (3:24). Against this backdrop of maintaining that legal observances have nothing to do with our salvation Paul exhorts, �Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage� (5:1). Let us be clear. The legalism which the apostle opposed was that thinking which made the observance of the law a condition of salvation.

Certainly no Bible believing Baptist teaches that law-keeping is part of salvation. We are saved by faith alone. The works of the law do not and cannot either help us gain salvation or help us keep salvation. Salvation is all of grace�none of works. For anyone to accuse us of being legalists then is either to deliberately distort our position on salvation or else to abandon the Biblical concept of legalism and adopt the modern notion advanced by the moderns.

In spite of these facts, why is it that folk like to label us as legalists? There are two related reasons. First, the thinking of most people has been heavily influenced by the thinking of humanism. Humanism is diametrically opposed to all rules, standards, codes of conduct and moral absolutes of any kind. It believes that everyone should be free to do as he pleases. Those who disagree are labeled �Legalists.� Secondly, most people want to use their liberty for an occasion to the flesh (5:13). They do not want anyone telling them that some of the things they enjoy may be wrong so they banish all such suggestions by labeling them �legalistic.�

The real issue is this: should we teach do�s and don�t�s in Christian living? Should we preach that there are standards which ought to be maintained and deeds which should not be done? A large crowd would say �no - don�t be negative - don�t be legalistic.� But what saith the Scriptures? Every page of Scripture lists things we are not to do. The first page of the Bible tells Adam �thou shalt not� and the last page of Scripture warns not to take away or add to the words of the Book. All of Scripture has rules of what to do and what not to do. Every page is replete with �thou shalt� and �thou shalt not.� To say that rules of conduct are only found as part of the Mosaic law is certainly a misrepresentation of the truth.

The problem in Christianity today is the seeping scourge of humanism that has saturated the minds of Christians, Christian leaders, Christian authors and even preachers. Humanism maintains that the ultimate goal of man is to enjoy himself and develop his potential without the restriction of outmoded taboos and irrelevant rules. Humanism says that each one must decide for himself what is right and what is wrong�no one else should interfere. This is the thinking that causes Christians to throw off any restraints and label them as �legalism.� In so doing they open the door to the inroads of all sorts of worldliness, questionable conduct and ungodly living. Christian standards have been discarded, Christian conduct has sunk to the level of the world and all is done to the theme of freedom from the law.

Christians are free from the specific ceremonies of the laws of Moses. Certainly Christians are free from the necessity of keeping the law in order to gain salvation. But that does not make Christians free to do as they will and live as they please. God has His directives for Christian living. He tells us what to do and what not to do. There are not 10 suggestions but rather 10 commandments. The Beatitudes promise blessing to those who do and do not do certain things. Every epistle in the New Testament is replete with injunctions, commandments, prohibitions and orders. The person who seeks to obey the Scriptures is a Biblicist, not a legalist.

Are we legalists? No, we are just people who believe the Bible and are simple enough to believe that if God says, �do it,� we ought to do it, and if God says, �don�t,�

we shouldn�t. The accusation of legalism is a phony accusation trumped up to excuse those who prefer to ignore the directives of God�s Word and live to satisfy themselves.

To Topical Index of Baptist Doctrine


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a separated woman or man
Posted : 22 Oct, 2009 09:29 AM

I don't want to offend, but in my book ,

"The Bible" a seperated man or woman is still married !

No judging on my part just, a fact.

Somthing to ponder;

I have never married, but to think and meditate on this; If I were still married to someone, is it fare to my spouce or to the new friend to put them in a place to possible be the one that could be the final wedge between the two married ones ?

If I'm still married to someone would I be causing one to commit adultry, if im looking for a romantic intrest ? If one were truly honest, I would have to wonder the true reason they came to a christian date sight in the first place guess is the same as all of us, a romantic intrest .

As far as one says about being on here for friends or fellowshiping, Keep in mind,... A date sight is not the only place to find christian friends. Ahh however a date sight (as this is), is the palce to find a friend of an other gender.No guys on here looking for guy friendships or the other way around.

If I were married, would my husband or I like it if the other were to get into a friendship sharing our hearts and minds with one of the opposite sex ?

I think NOT !

His thoughts, desires, wishes hopes and dreams, just as mine, are to be shared with the other. Not one, of an other gender out of our marrige bond / union .

Yes, the best way to start a marrige and to keep one is to be a great friend to the other person. However I also think the best way to destroy a marrige and end it for good is to get a an other friend, when your spouce, is supose to be your best friend you will have of an other gender.

Thanks for reading, J


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Posted : 21 Oct, 2009 08:05 PM

There is this one man who started talking to me on IM ..said some really rude stuff ..So I blocked Him. Then in about 15 min or so. an other man came on IM again, saying the same rude stuff .. For a few min I thought Oh God what are you trying to show me,

I then figured out it was the other same man with two accounts ...Since then I have seen him on with yet an other account all 3 accounts allways come on that the same time and are always grouped together.. two of these accounts have such fake pictures ...So now this man is using 3 accounts pretending to be 3 men ..two of them very good looking well to do men but fake pictures ....Ohhh it makes me so mad he is fooling with woman's minds and hearts on here. I did let him know by email, to tell all the others I said hi ..but then he blocked me. Go figure !

I reported him to the sight ..but at the moment they don't have enough proof to know if he is truly 1 man pretending to be 3 .The day he sent the IMs is the day the sight lost all action for a 12 hr span so they have no record of all his same messages . Ohhhh where is honesty !!!

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