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Jesus Warned Most Are On Broad Road to Destruction
Posted : 21 Jul, 2012 04:32 AM

Hello, brothers and sisters in the Lord, last night I watched a testimony of a young girl whom Jesus had showed both heaven and hell to, and she was speaking way beyond her years quoting the Word and basically she was saying what Jesus already tells us in His word but few are finding it,

Truth, and eternal LIFE. Jesus said most are on the broad and spacious road to destruction, but few are finding the narrow and cramped road to life.

The girl said she saw celebrities and pastors and other religious figures in hell and asked the Lord how was this so, these people were supposed to have been serving him, and Jesus cried tears and said they sold out to a throne of money basically, and knew His full truth but held it back from the people!

The Lord also told the young girl the music industry and the movies and media were all lulling the people into the broad path where hell was more of a joke than a reality,

I went and got a neighbor and said my spirit bears wittness to this girl's tesimony, come and watch it, she knows the Word way beyond her years, and it is true Jesus did say he will say to MANY who call him Lord, Lord, I never knew you, you workers of sin/iniquity/lawlessness, get away from me, on the day of judgement.

He will also tell the unprofitable servant who does not multiply what talents they have been given to be bound hand and foot and cast into the outter fire... and his talents given to those who already have and use and will use more...

It's a serious matter, a forever matter, and I repented immediately and said I will go through my CD's and throw away any music that does not agree with the Lord, and any movies too, it's just not worth it.

Brothers and sisters, the Lord did say, you can not serve money and Him both pick one, and the Lord did say why even bother to call me Lord if you don't actually obey me, am I really your Lord,

I give him praise that as many as read this have another day of life in which to repent, make a new decision and start a new life with his help, change our ways of thinking and turn from any bad behaviors, and stay filled daily with the spirit, and feast upon His word. Abide with Him, this is my best advice, and make sure of all things by praying to him yourself and reading his word for yourself,

For even the pastors are not telling the people the whole unpopular truth, it says all of the 5 fold are given to fully equip the body, yet they are not equipping the body for the most part with even the foundational unpopular teachings, never mind helping disciple and mentor everyone on to fullness and maturity, so they too can find their gift/talent/calling and go multiply.

The Lord is not unjust, he says each one according to ABILITY so do not feel badly if we are not all a world-famous evangelist on international television... no, rather, he said visit the prisons, the shut ins (nursing homes?) give a cup of water both literal and/or spiritual and it will not be forgotten, we can leave Bibles and other materials around, we can go out 2x2 and offer to pray for the people or share a scripture, at least then we did our part,

Please join me in praying for courage and boldness to do all that the Lord has given us to do with our lives and resources, it is a forever decision. For those of us who feel too shy to 'do anything' I want you to know, I found the Lord in a trash can, meaning somebody threw away a new paperback copy of a New Testament, and it was clean on the top of a trash can in the office I worked in, so I took it home and read it and got born again reading the Book of John, we all can leave a paperback Bible in a public place...

and at the very least we all can clean out our closets and donate the clothes we don't use any more to the needy, Jesus said if we have 2 coats and someone needs one give it... and so forth... Dorcas made garments for the poor and needy so they would not be ashamed or cold, and it counted

as 'ministering' as her hands were busy doing good for people,

Jesus said whatsoever we do, or don't do to the least of the people we do or don't do unto HIM,

so as his body... let us be worthy of the calling, pray for boldness, balanced with a true holy spirit of love, to serve and to be humble, for no matter how small our calling may be, we want to hear the words, "This one I know... WELL DONE, good and faithful servant" and bless the Lord for this day which He has made and still we are in his hour of grace, where we will get paid the full wage if he returns in a few hours, as long as our hearts are with him, it says we will be paid along with those who did labor for many years,

And it also says he is coming for those LOOKING for him, to hold our heads up high and know our redemption is near, to pray continually that we be counted worthy to escape the things coming upon the face of the earth with these end times, for in Revelation only 1 church out of 7 did he say he would conceal,

Pray, that we walk worthily, pray for discernment on the above matters, and seek and serve the Lord above all other things, so that we may have life, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh except through me" Jesus says this means everlasting life taking in this truth and knowledge and obeying it, God bless each one here, amen.


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what your intention in dating?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2012 08:19 AM

I agree that no mature Christian would be looking at dating as a recreational hobby, for sport or game. When you have a serious sense of God's calling/will for your life, you want first and most importantly someone who already serves God and also has a clear sense of his/her calling in the Lord for their life, also. This way, you will know right off

the bat if the two of you have any reason to pursue courtship, or getting to know one another further with the goal or intent/hope being finding 'the one' for marriage.

The Bible says how can 2 walk together if not in agreement? Of all the areas of compatibility, and there are many (personality, for example -- goals, life-views, habits, living style, and so forth) of all these, if you are serious about serving God as a life capacity, make sure the person you are considering getting to know better 1-1 at least shares your level of interest in the Lord/ministry. If the person can't share or support that, then in my personal opinion, you are not equally yoked.

My certainty of who I am in Christ Jesus, and all of what He wants me/believers to be in general, is so strong, that to be honest, very few people can begin to tolerate the intensity and level of my relationship with the Lord. That right there pretty much eliminates 99% of erroneous time, or the possibility of being attracted to someone for some outward reason or even an isolated common interest... say a hobby for example... if my level of interest in ministry is exceptionally high and his is exceptionally low, we have no business even contemplating dating, never mind marriage.

I say all this in hopes to spare some, as Paul desired to spare many tribulations in marriage, by staying single if at all possible (few people take that advice) and of course it's NOT sin to marry, for the Lord ordained marriage knowing it is not good for the man to be by himself, he needs a help mate like unto his own kind! While you may be free to marry whomever you like, only IN the Lord... do yourself and him/her a huge favor and make sure even your definition of what 'in the Lord' means, is in common. For some Christians, going to church twice a year, at Christmas and Easter, is their idea of faith. For others, every single day of their lives, they speak about, study, seek, abide in, and go about their callings, in the Lord. I don't need to tell you the person who goes to church twice a year will not be happy with the person who never stops abiding in the Lord and the things of the Lord 24/7.

But I can tell you, when you pray to the Lord and ask Him to show you who would be his perfect will for you... not just His permissive will, but his perfect will? You will probably find one of the most inwardly beautiful spiritual people you might not ever have known existed. For this reason my prayer is more about the personality and heart, and the deisre for ministry and love of the Lord, than any outward thing. Howeer, if the person shares a great love of the Lord, and wishes to serve the Lord, has a beautiful heart and so forth, yet knows he/she is called to missions and you know you are not, that in itself may be enough to say, this may not be God's perfect match. God's perfect match always compliments one another especially in the area of ministry.

My post is long so last I will say, for a woman, it would be wise to pray for a man who sees his covering of his wife as part of his ministry to the Lord. You want a man who is so in reverence of the Lord that he would NEVER adulterate the marriage, not only because he would never harm his wife, but because he would never sin in this manner against the Lord. This is the quality of person who will give themselves over for you as Jesus did for the church, whom you will easily be able to admire, and love. Best wishes, and most prayefully,