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How about Kansas?
Posted : 29 Dec, 2012 07:09 PM

I know the last post in this topic was posted LONG AGO but I really appreciate it. There is a lot to like about Kansas. (I do get tired of the Wizard of Oz references though...) Kansas does have some pretty flat spots but there are all kinds of types of scenery from large hills to valleys, lakes, trails, and a lot of very pretty showcase of our Lord's creation.

Overall, I know that the people in Kansas are very nice. I sold a game system to a lady here a lady here in Wichita and she was sending it to her son on Washington DC! He lives there and couldn't trust anyone that he would try and buy one from (on Craigslist, etc). So this lady bought the game system from me here in Wichita, Kansas because she knew that she could get an honest deal! :applause:

I know that there are every kind of people everywhere but I just appreciate how you can go to Quick Trip and open the door for someone and they thank you or that (most) people will say "good morning" if you say it to them. Anyway, I'm sure there are tons of nice people everywhere but that's one of the things i like about Kansas and the mid-west. :glow:


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Anyone from southeast Kansas?
Posted : 28 Dec, 2012 08:19 PM

I live in South Central Kansas. Does that count? :glow:

I was born in Southeast Kansas...
