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Does he exist???
Posted : 26 Mar, 2009 12:58 PM

Yes, many men like that exist. I have met plenty. I don't think they will drop in your lap though. It is a long hard search which requires a lot of rejection.

I have my own standards and have taken up a corporate mindset for my search. I want to be in statistical danger of meeting girls with my standards (Because, of course, meeting one is not enough. What if you don't meet their standards?).

The internet is useful too because it allows you to meet many people, very quickly, without making you tired. Is your guy 1 in 1000? Then you must talk to a couple thousand.

What is a man like who would not look at porn? Where would he be? I doubt he would be a naive man who never considered it, but someone who made the choice to control himself. If he can do that, he might also lift free weights or study other languages (things that are difficult that require deliberate choices).

I've murdered the serendipitous ideal.

Also, there is no need for talk about how hard porn is to resist or how many good (good?) men look at porn. Just because one is absolved by God does not mean everyone else should find them marriageable. There are consequences to to actions. Porn will get you checked off some girl's lists. Porn may be normal to the world, but it is not normal to Homebody and she does not need to bend.