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Scams/Marriage frauds on this site -
Posted : 7 Sep, 2014 06:17 PM

"Foreigners lead dual lives and have zero loyalty and only self-interests"

Are you sirious??? I dont wanna be offending but i dont think that you nor anybody else has the right or will ever have the right to say something like that..not because im living in a foreign country and find it kinda discriminating to read something like that about non-americans,i think its simply wrong to think in nationalities/ethnicities, you can not blame a whole country or an entire continent for sum few ppl from it have personally done to you,thats where rassism and the whole discrimination towards certain nationalities starts would you feel if you would hear ppl from other countries talking about you like that,saying all americans r fat,lazy and stupid for example? I understand that you was prolly mad about the scamming problem on here when you wrote that and im not saying thats not true,but being foreign does not automaticly makes you an unloyal and selfish scammer.....and yeah just to get back to your topic real quick,i dont think that most ppl on here are scammers,maybe 1 from 50 msgs is coming from a scammer,but thats just my personal expirience on here,99% ppl i met here were actually really nice and helped me a lot everytime i had a question about religion etc and i am glad that i met them


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dating divorced woman
Posted : 7 Sep, 2014 11:53 AM

Yes,i got married waaaaay before i even touched a bible,my husband didnt belived in God nor did i at the time we got married


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dating divorced woman
Posted : 2 Sep, 2014 03:07 PM

Thank you for the replies...well in my case i got divorced because i got saved and couldnt deal with the lifestyle of my husband anymore...i stayed with him for 2 more years and prayed that he will change his life aswell and stop all the partying,drinking and doing drugs but he didnt and when he started to hit me i left him...i see that a lot of men on here agree with the men from my church and i respect that,but let me ask you another question,if your daughter woud be calling you at 1am and asking you if you could drive them to the hospital cause her husband broke her rib or her arm,would you still judge them and stick to the fact that divorce is a sin or would you tell your own daughter to leave him? Wish yall a blessed weekend :)


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dating divorced woman
Posted : 10 Aug, 2014 03:27 PM

Would that be a reason for you guys not to date/marry a woman? I heard some men talking in church today about dating divorced woman and they all agreed that thats a no-go to them because theres no guarantee that they wont divorced them too since they already did it once and i was actually pretty shocked because i never thought that men do think like that...i mean of course a divorce shouldnt be an option if you get married,but sometimes it is neccecerly,i would never judge a divorced person like that because ive been thru it too,so heres my question,is that really such a no-go to all christian man or is it just the personal opinion of the men in my church?