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What makes me so amazing to non-believers but christian guys tend to loose intrest?
Posted : 18 Apr, 2013 01:56 AM

You are right that you should not settle, Scripture says that we are not to be in relationships that are unequally yoked. The reason that you are having people who are interested in you that are unbelievers is because of the fact that the god of this world (aka satan: the enemy of our souls) knows that if he can get a Christian to be with a non-believer, then that will cause the Christian to back down from their faith to where they wouldn't be as strong of Christians or even denounce their faith all together in order to stay in their relationships, which is a sad, but true thing. The only time that it is acceptable to be in a relationship which are unequally yoked is if the husband and wife are both unbelievers when they get married and then one becomes a believer and the unbeliever still wants to be with the believer, but if the unbeliever does not want to stay with the believer, then the believer is able to become loosed from the relationship, this is because the LORD does not like divorce. As for the reason that you have never gotten any Christian guy who says that they like you and want to be in a relationship with you, is most likely because of the fact that GOD does not want you to get hurt from getting into a relationship and getting very deep into it and then having it end, I know how this can feel, I have had it before, both with relationships with believers and unbelievers.