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Have you ever experienced this and if so, what did you do?
Posted : 28 Mar, 2009 03:29 PM

Why is it love is not enough for these women. They also want all these material things to be satisfied.

I think there is a name for that kind of woman that wants to profit from a relationship. the phrase for better or worse

or for richer or poorer is not found in the bible. it is what they call traditions of men. Or in this case traditions of women.

you make three excellent points. Any many of these are temporal things. But earthly marriage is also temporary, too. But

the unconditional love of God is not. Therefore I would encourage love above these other secondary things..


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What Quality Do You First Seek In A Woman?
Posted : 28 Mar, 2009 03:09 PM

OK I'll say it, Sex is likely the number one motivator for men. Next to that is the emotional intercourse which brings the whole chemistry in line.

Unfortunately many Christian men have been trained to withstand sexual attraction as if it is from the devil or something. And Women can find all the

emotional intercourse thy want with their girl friends.

In answer to your question I'll give my 5 must haves:

She must:

1. have Results from prayer

2. have words of affirmation/ from the 5 love languages

3. Pretty eyes

4. Be a Isaiah 4:1 woman.

5. know how to balance surrender vs submission


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When is The FIRST Resurrection? A Rapture issue.
Posted : 28 Mar, 2009 02:30 PM

I agree with the Post Trib rapture viewpoint. why is the pre trib rapture still so popular?

"post tribulation is the only scriptural rapture."


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Divorce and Remarriage
Posted : 27 Mar, 2009 12:52 PM

People are afraid to marry. Here is the best site I have found on the topic of MDR, marriage divorce and remarriage.


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*** God's Pharmacy ***
Posted : 25 Mar, 2009 11:18 AM

what an excellent excellent Post. And remind me of a similar list.


Why eat almonds? These tear-shaped nuts are packed with nutrients - fiber, riboflavin, magnesium, iron and calcium. In fact, almonds have more calcium than any other nut - 75 milligrams (mg) in one serving (about 23 almonds). Also, one serving of almonds provides half of your body's Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin E.

Like all nuts, almonds provide one of the best plant sources of protein. And they're good for your heart. Most of the fat in almonds is monounsaturated fat - a healthier type of fat that may help lower blood cholesterol levels.


Why eat apples? Apples are an excellent source of pectin, a soluble fiber that can lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Fresh apples are also good sources of vitamin C - an antioxidant that protects your body's cells from damage. Vitamin C also helps form the connective tissue collagen, keeps your capillaries and blood vessels healthy, and aids in the absorption of iron.


Why eat blueberries? Blueberries are a rich source of plant compounds (phytonutrients). As with cranberries, phytonutrients in blueberries may help prevent urinary tract infections. Blueberries may also improve short-term memory and promote healthy aging.

Blueberries are also a low-calorie source of fiber and vitamin C - 1 cup of fresh blueberries has 84 calories, 3.6 grams of fiber and 14 mg of vitamin C.


Why eat broccoli? Besides being a good source of calcium, potassium, folate and fiber, broccoli contains phytonutrients - a group of compounds that may help prevent chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Broccoli is also a good source of vitamins A and C - antioxidants that protect your body's cells from damage.

Red beans

Why eat red beans? Red beans - including small red beans and dark red kidney beans - are good sources of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and thiamin. They're also an excellent low-fat, low-calorie source of protein and dietary fiber. Red beans also contain phytonutrients that may help prevent chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.


Why eat salmon? Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids - a type of fat that makes your blood less likely to form clots that may cause heart attacks. Omega-3s may also protect against irregular heartbeats that may cause sudden cardiac death, decrease triglyceride levels, decrease the growth of artery-clogging plaques, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.

In addition to being an excellent source of omega-3s, salmon is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and is a good source of protein.


Why eat spinach? Spinach is high in vitamins A and C and folate. It's also a good source of riboflavin, vitamin B-6, calcium, iron and magnesium. The plant compounds in spinach may boost your immune system and may help keep your hair and skin healthy.

Sweet potatoes

Why eat sweet potatoes? The deep orange-yellow color of sweet potatoes tells you that they're high in the antioxidant beta carotene. Food sources of beta carotene, which are converted to vitamin A in your body, may help slow the aging process and reduce the risk of some cancers. Sweet potatoes are also good sources of fiber, vitamins B-6, C and E, folate and potassium. And like all vegetables, they're fat-free and relatively low in calories - one small sweet potato has just 54 calories.

Vegetable juice

Why drink vegetable juice? Vegetable juice has most of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients found in the original vegetables and is an easy way to include vegetables in your diet. Tomato juice and vegetable juices that include tomatoes are good sources of lycopene, an antioxidant that may reduce the risk of heart attack, prostate cancer and possibly other types of cancer. Some vegetable and tomato juices are very high in sodium, so be sure to select the low-sodium varieties.

Wheat germ

Why eat wheat germ? At the center of a grain of wheat is the wheat germ - the part of the seed that's responsible for the development and growth of the new plant sprout. Though only a small part of the wheat seed, the germ is a highly concentrated source of nutrients, including niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin E, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and zinc. The germ also contains protein, fiber and some fat.

These 10 health foods are some of the healthiest because they meet at least three of the following criteria:

* Are a good or excellent source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients

* Are high in phytonutrients and antioxidant compounds, such as vitamins A and E and beta carotene

* May help reduce the risk of heart disease and other health conditions

* Are low in calorie density, meaning you get a larger portion size with a fewer number of calories

* Are readily available


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Divorce and Remarriage
Posted : 23 Mar, 2009 07:08 AM

Walter's Quote:

Regarding "Fornication and Adultery". Fornication covers more than mere adultery. However in the context Jesus is referring to He is talking about the "physical" sexual act and not about a mental or emotional type.


Dave's Answer:

That may be true, but I don't know how you could prove it from the context. Adultery certainly is a sinful act. And fits the Matt 18 type for church discipline, fornicators and adulterers have no part in the Kingdom of God.


Walter's Quote:

I have heard some people teach that if a man lusts after another woman then that is adultery and therefore grounds for a divorce and remarriage. That of course is absurd.


Daves Answer:

This is another example of rhetorical exaggeration commonly used by Rabbi's in Jesus day. If you look at a woman it is adultery in the heart, right. And if you hate your brother without cause it is murder. But nobody dies or gets an STD in the heart. Another example is cutting off your hand if it causes you to sin. How literal do you want to go. Do not covet your neighbors wife or his cow whither ever is better looking? Coveting another man's wife is covered in the ten commandments and it is for the man. Do not commit adultery is the commandment for woman.It is married women who commit adultery with men. Men do not commit adultery with unmarried women. That would be fornication or prostitution or idolatry.

Like most deception, today's male female equality has an element of truth to it in a spiritual sense (in the world to come), but not in the physical (this world). Women have authority over men in the area of sex. (1cor 7:1-5) as do men over their wives. But it is SO different. Women should not usurp authority over the man. The right way is the marriage bed blessed and undefiled. And it is used by the husband/ wife to help each other become overcomers. An adulterous woman/wife usurps sexual authority over the man like the Great harlot riding the scarlet beast in Rev. 17. Some Women use men or use sex to get what they want from men.I think there is a name for that, but it does not work in reverse. How many times, in the bible, do you see men condemned as adulterers if the woman is not already another man's wife. Men had several wives or concubines (slaves used for sex). And there is no mention of it ever being wrong except for those people in the leadership positions, Deut 17:17,Proverbs 31:3-5, 1 Timothy 3:12, Titus 1:6. Of course, Jesus is the King of Kings and we are said to be a nation of kings and priests who rule and reign as over comers. So the prohibition against multiple wives would apply for New Testament believers too.


Walter's Quote:

The phrase "put away" and "divorce" are the same word in Greek. I have seen some men try to imply that they are not the same but they are.


Dave's Answer:

in reality both then and now, it is still possible to be put away and not be divorced. they have the same prefix but come from different root words and have slightly different meanings. according to Vines New Testament Words one is a noun & the other a verb. A wife can be put away (verb) but still not receive a written divorce (noun).

Coincidentally, the Old Testament Hebrew also has two words. One for divorce and one for put away.


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A Doctrine of Deception that May Lead Many to Destruction...
Posted : 23 Mar, 2009 12:33 AM

DanDeLionDC Quote:







My response:

I don't want to miss it either.

The pre-trib theory or sneaky rapture is for those who do not dive into the Word themselves as much and rely on theologians to come up with something that sounds good. I don't know that it is a blatant deception or just an oversimplification for those endless end-times questions.

The basic idea is that God makes a way of escape and He also makes a way where there is no way.

When they wanted to kill Jesus He walked through their midst untouched so that everything would be fulfilled. I believe in the second coming too, but not the sneaky rapture theory


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the past subject of Drinking wine was small analysis
Posted : 21 Mar, 2009 12:52 PM

It not a sin to drink but it is a sin to become a drunkard.

The comparison is being filled with The Spirit or being filled with wine. There is a struggle of the Spirit against the flesh.

Ephesians 5:17-19,

�And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;�

Some people may take this verse and ask how drunk can you get before it is excess, lol? Generally speaking there can be a medicinal effect from small amounts of alcohol, about one drink. But any more it becomes a toxic effect.

Proverbs 31:5-7,

�Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.� Many people use alcohol for depression. They are known as alcoholics because alcohol is addictive.

But the bible gives another remedy for depression. �Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.�

�Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;�

Being filled with the Spirit and singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord stands in contrast to being drunk with wine.

2 Timothy 2:16, �But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.�

I know the drunken babblings and ungodliness caused by alcohol. And most Christians abstain from alcohol because of all the pain and suffering it has caused in the world.


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Divorce and Remarriage
Posted : 12 Mar, 2009 02:10 PM

The exception clause "whoever divorces his wife except for fornication causes her to commit adultery," is easy to understand. If the adulterous wife is divorced it is not the husband that causes the adultery. the wife has already done that. Adultery according to the law was punishable by death. But Jesus was not asked that here. They said, is it lawful to put away a wife for any cause. Does divorce and put away mean exactly the same thing or are they two necessary parts to have a Divorce according to the Law, Deut 24:1b, Ezra 10:3b.

There is still another consideration in the way Jesus answered the Pharisees. Unlike today, wives were considered to be the sexual property of the husband. A husband could put away a wife, without a written divorce, and demand money in exchange for her freedom to marry another. once she is given a bill of divorce she is free to marry because she is no longer another man's property.

And what exactly is the exception? Except for fornication or except for adultery? Are adultery and fornication exactly the same? the Bible speaks much more about spiritual adultery than it does physical. Physical intercourse is what the man wants and emotional intercourse is what the woman needs. When a man puts away a wife and keeps her as a piece of property, he cuts her off from the emotional union. And why would that be OK? Is it because she has already committed emotional intercourse with another? The marriage bond is always two becoming one. It is a covenant of companionship because it is not good for man (or woman) to be alone. All marriage does not do this. Some married people are alone and put away in while still married.

These are questions some have asked me about MDR (marriage ,divorce and remarriage). I have found that MDR is different today than in the days of Jesus. Or in the days of Moses. And it is still farther form the original design in the garden. Jesus' definition of marriage is the two shall become one because it is not good to be alone. It is a covenant of companionship with the expectations that go with it. Making up and breaking up is part of the cycle. Unconditional love is requirement.


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Talk about things to come.
Posted : 10 Mar, 2009 02:17 PM

Talk about things to come. �There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it is the way of death.� (Proverbs)

America has long since been forecast as on the verge of some economic crisis. And a quote recently made famous by Rev. Jeremiah Wright that �the chickens are coming home to roost.� But the purpose, of hard times like with the (John 9:3) blind man, is that God can be glorified in giving His power to overcome. Overcomes are not chickens. If anything we are like the Eagles soaring high above the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches. What is the answer to every trouble we encounter? Jesus is the answer here now and in the world to come.

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