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Posted : 14 Dec, 2013 12:41 AM

Dear Anyann,

I think there is nothing wrong for trying or wanting to save your husband or your partner.

But we must not forget that it is only with God's will and according to God's plan and with God's permission that our hope / wish / fight / trial will eventually succeed.

Philippians 2:13

for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose.

Common mistake that can happen as we want salvation for your partner are when we are relying on our own strength and lack in asking God's involvement in the process.

I know there's no step by step manual book on how to do it properly. The best thing that we can do is to interpret the wisdom in the bible and act on it. You will end up succeed or failed to saved your partner but the wisdom will guide you through the timing and understanding His answer.

I am sharing this based on my own experience, when I was believing too much on myself (and less on God) that I would be able to bring salvation to my non-believer ex of 10 years.

I wish everybody else with the same struggle a strong faith, patient and wisdom.


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Posted : 13 Dec, 2013 03:45 AM

I say it depends on what device you are referring to.

For Notebook my choice is still with Microsoft, but tablet and smartphones I will have to choose apple/ios or android.

For superb display in PC still go for Mac.

Hope you choose what best for you.
