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Posted : 26 Oct, 2010 01:10 PM

We are practically neighbors lol

I used to live in Clear Lake but moved about 20 minutes south


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Giving to the poor that stand at the street corners
Posted : 25 Oct, 2010 01:11 PM

"""See that is the difference in my situation and the people on the street. Although our situation was similar, our homelessness was different. We have the Lord in our life, we had people loving on us, praying for us, showing us mercy, whereas a lot of these people do not. Some are VETS (who I might add fought for YOUR freedom!) some are mentally ill (they slipped through someones crack, the govt?a hospital? a caseworker? their family?) some have fallen on extremely hard times and have no mercy net (which I may add most of us are only a paycheck away) and yes some are drunks, addicts and prostitutes (which I might add that abuse/ rape/ being molested/ broken hearts/ divorce etc led them to those things and again... how many people have suffered from that)

So that's why I love the homeless!!! They shadow a life that I have been close too and are people just like me and everyone else I know that has fallen on a hard time. Being a servant to another person is VERY hard for some people. I understand this!! I have not always served others in this capacity. But let me tell you this, there may come a time in your life where you will need someone else s help. You may not WANT it..... but there will be a time, or maybe there already has been one that you NEED another human to be there for you....... these people NEED others to be there for them right now in this moment. Don't worry about what they "might" do with that change or dollar you give them. Thats not up to you, the act of kindness and love itself is all you need to worry about. Buy them a meal. Give them a blanket. There are even places like Church under the Bridge that is working to get these people off the street by feeding them with the love of God and with food and counseling and your time would be valued there too. Maybe you know a single mom in trouble. Call her and ask what she needs. Maybe you know an elderly person that dementia is setting in and they are not working and getting no money.... the point is, we ALL have the capabilities in some shape, form, or fashion to help others.~~ Love yall Mona""""


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Giving to the poor that stand at the street corners
Posted : 25 Oct, 2010 01:06 PM

As someone who does homeless ministry I felt led to comment... I actually wrote a blog on this awhile back and thought I would share...

Its kinda long, lol but I dont have time to add or take away...on my way out but hope you all have a blessed day!

""Some people have been curious as to why the homeless ministry means so much to me. I know that a powerful tool of Gods glory is the testimony of a changed life, that's why I don't mind sharing my story.

My kids and I have been "homeless". What is homeless? Homeless is not just a dirty looking, smelly, old person on the street. Homeless is not just a drunk. Homeless is not just an addict. Homeless is not just a prostitute. Homeless is not just a lazy bum not wanting to get a job. People need to get those STEREOTYPES out of their head. (I'm sure we have all at one time or another fit into someone elses stereotype and not liked it!)

Here is the wikipedia definition of homelessness "Homelessness (UK: sleeping rough) is the condition of and social category of people who don't have a regular house or dwelling because they cannot afford, pay for, or are otherwise unable to maintain regular, safe, and adequate housing, or they lack, "fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence"

My personal experience with homelessness : We were left without any means of income without any notice, me having been a stay at home mom. My husband found something he felt was better and one day walked away and didn't look back. (THIS CAN HAPPEN TO ANY OF YOU!) I didn't see it coming. I don't have a rich family and got what little help there was (which was given in love and received with gratitude) After a few months I couldn't pay all those bills and lost the town home, and the car (after having already sold a lot of my valuables trying to keep those things) Divorce itself was gut wrenching enough trying to deal emotionally myself and for the kids, then to lose your home. You cant imagine unless you have been there and let me tell you, from what I read, with everyone looking for new spouses (instead of new marriages) and people out of work or facing layoffs its closer than you think. We were lucky enough to be able to go stay with my mom for a few months while I was looking for a job. Once I attempted to get back on my feet, we still struggled daily. (when you start out behind and with no job skills or higher education this is what happens) There were so many bills I just couldn't keep up. (and those were minimum bills and minimum pay I was working with) I was always a dollar short, a day late, and a step behind BUT I learned a lot about myself, about my kids, about how to have a healthy family life, about a God who loved us and things started to change in other aspects. After 4 years of trying to get ahead though, I lost out again. Eviction and a repo! There was a difference this time. I had hope. We had been showed so much love by others. By the churches. By family. By friends. I knew to put my faith in God. So did my kids. Again we were lucky that someone else showed us mercy and gave us a place to stay. That people loved on us. That God provided in other ways.... and then in HIS timing a blessing came that enabled me to get back on our own. Once everything was caught up I had been behind on, and I got situated and well once again things were tight. But I don't stress anymore because my faith has been strengthened to know that God is going to provide for us. Some amazing things have dropped in front of me allowing me to work a "career" helping OTHERS save money and increase THEIR finances. I see Gods hand in so much of my life to get me here today to have such a desire to help others and know He is going to advance me financially and one day (soon I hope) I will have a helpmate ;) or some other miracle. My kids don't realize the things that have transpired, but they have transitioned beautifully and God has really blessed me with amazing children. I know they are my gift from God.I


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Feeling lonely and undesirable. Needing advice.
Posted : 25 Oct, 2010 12:45 PM

Im so sorry to read about this season you are going through...

These are a few things that came to my mind as I was reading ..

Our faith displays most in our times of trials... And the Lord only said that it be as small as a mustard seed to move a mountain. When things are going great, what do we need to have faith in... things are great. Faith is belief not based on proof..its being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see....

While I know there are def men that dont feel called for a ready made family, or just dont want the responsibility (this site has proved that for me) I also know several men who would LOVE to have children as part of the package. I have a very good friend who for him, while not looking for woman with kids, would not complain if it happened that way because he can have none of his own. I have another friend who just loves kids period. So dont be discouraged about that. The RIGHT man will love you AND your kids and embrace them from the start. Your "husband" should love you as Christ does and Christ relishes on you AND your kids :)

Also, the Bible says it is not good for us to be alone so unless you are called and feel peace about being single I would say have FAITH there is someone for you. Gods promises are not for everyone but you, you are part of it!

My season of feeling lonely and undesirable was when I also felt the Lord call me to purity and giving up the "worldly" idea of dating and over the next few years was when I learned the most of the Lord, and my character was developed and shaped and God did some working on me. Always remember your worth and beauty in CHRIST is whats important, not the worlds eyes


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Single Dad in Louisiana
Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 09:42 PM

We call it "Toxic City" Im not from here, just passing through, hopefully lol

Still trying to figure out how they won "All American City" its pretty icky here.

I bet you have gained alot of wisdom in all your travels and probably have a pretty neat photo album too!



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Single Dad in Louisiana
Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 07:30 PM

Hey Chancy... Welcome to the forum! (Im assuming your kinda new here as you put an update on your profile lol)

I have driven alot of miles through your neck of the woods bc my fam is all in Mississippi. Sorry to hear your sons are still in AR, I know that must be hard. I couldnt imagine that adjustment. Im sure God will bless that sacrifice you did for His ministry. Praying blessings over that! Awesome that you travel doing evangelism...

God bless!


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Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 07:21 PM

Hey Allison~ Thanks for saying hello. Havent read any of your posts yet but now Im curious lol

Have a blessed night



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Hey everybody!
Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 07:20 PM

Wow.. I had a fantastic weekend...

how was everyone elses? Anybody do anything out of their box? lol


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Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 07:19 PM

Hey Dennis! Good luck with your search lol


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Ok, here I am
Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 07:18 PM

Hey Rafael!

Are you new to CDFF? If so welcome to the forums.

Have a blessed night

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