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walking away...
Posted : 24 Feb, 2009 06:36 PM

I agree with the two posts above me.. Also,There are two theories that I know of.

#1 In phsychology a man is far less emotional then a woman. This makes sense though, because attraction wouldn't exist if men and women both had the same wants (friendship, relatonship, feelings, ETC.) The women are equipped with just the right amount of hormones to make them CARE for their significant other, I'm not saying the man can't care for a woman, however he cannot be caring the same way you do, because if you're both doing so. It won't work, it's like trying to put two positive ended magnets together. It won't work, it has two be opposite ends.

#2 The majority of men that drop women like night and day, typically have fears. Could very well be fears of pain, commitment, or a fear of slowly breaking your heart-so they do it quick like ripping a band- aid from a wound. They think it hurts less.

#3 (Bonus)

They could be bored...

However, I highly doubt that would be the case for you.

Hope this helped,
