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Dress code
Posted : 12 Jan, 2016 12:53 AM

Hi There,

Concerning a dress code if he is Laying out now what you should or not wear then I would say go find a slave , also apply the same ? > back to him he should not be wearing longs or pants as the dress code in the day from the bible time of then was........ and you ask him what it was and see what he says,

Sorry. im a very strong woman and will not be dictated to by any man , they are not given the right to control us and I wont let them .

Im involved with 3 groups and we dress in the 1400 to 1700 Renaissance times for different parts of Europe I dress in my countrys Garb German long skirts and blouse,s , and then in Edwardian 1900 to 1914 again a different style still long dress.s and skirts ,

The other is our Scottish soc we have long dress,s or skirts and blouse,s and the men wore a Kilt and we do as well ,

In Renaissance times women wore pants they were called bloomers so he,s a bit late as to what women wore , or can now ,and should if they need to or wont to ,

As far as the bible is concerned the points to look at are , who gave the message , to who , when and where and why . and does the same message apply to us now , you will find that the answer is .....NO..... so don't be deceived by mens what they wont and do they have the right to enforce on us their will , ... carefull

don't give in youll regret it .



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having some trouble getting responses
Posted : 26 Oct, 2014 09:24 PM


Its been going on for quite a while and on many other dating forums/ sites some i have heard about are not real people any way they are fake profiles, so be aware and many are scamers,

i .v had a few and called them out, and just for the sake of it i feel like one of them when others dont reply, are we counted as fake seems like it, never mind thats the way its going.

And iv had one on here with in two weeks ago.



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what are the duties of a husband and wife in marriage?
Posted : 18 Sep, 2014 10:12 PM


Why would i have to justify my self to any one , regardless of who they are, , i dont see this in the written word , we are only to answer to the Lord no one else ,

As to dutys again what has that to do with any thing , i was married to a lovely person and we in the most part did things together , we had our children together and looked after them ,

We were Partners , not one over the other , and we worked together even with our differences , not perfect yet 35 years together and known and still do for over 40 years,

So if i have dutys to perform then it becomes an act thats not friendship or working together .

You wont this to be like it was in the Victorian time,s then forget it ,

We were treated worse than a peace of meat had nothing was worthless and owned and had no say , read up about those times and see what we had to go through just to live let alone have a life,

No wonder we rebelled against men and stood up for our selfs,

and i could say a lot more in this regard, we have our freedom and not going back to what it was before ,

If the ? had been how i see a friendship and partnership and what i would do to make it a happy time to gether then i would say ,

We would love each other with all we have and give each other all of our selfs with out thought for what can i gain from our time together , big difference in those ?s and how i see it,

I dont and wont do...... duty .......or be bound by them ,



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Why men change their attitude?
Posted : 31 Aug, 2014 06:30 AM


Because a man has gained what he was after and we become their trohpy or if you like they wear us on their arm ,

Untill some see another more beautifull younger women and then we are discarded and off they go to fish again ,

i have seen this many times its comes down to sex and beauty ,

Would a man wont a woman who is not sexy and beatifull . heres another one , why do so many men go to Thailand and come back with a woman because we are not sexy enough or they think they can be in control , yes i know what goes on iv been in Thailand and saw what was going on , i just pitied those lovely women .

The words that come to mind are some men can not grow old so to think they are young as they were they get young girls ./ women .



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Dont Laugh!
Posted : 31 Aug, 2014 06:05 AM


Depends on a number of factors such as work and any groups im a member of , now im a member of 8 groups 4 Brass Bands two groups we dress in olden days i help / work at our Museum,

i m incharge of all buildings 14 of , its well over a Million $ complex and have others work with myself ,

a member of our Scottish soc and on 3 commitees,

Im retired so how much time would i spend with some one who i would like to get to know as much time as it takes, im very motivated so would fit those importaint details into my life as needed, yes im busy and i enjoy what i do,

i still have time to just take time out and do other things ,

I doubt ill be needing to worry about a friendship or needing time for one, im 67, only ever had one friendship / partner and that was for 35 years and known each other for 40 years, and though we are not to gether we still have a friendship and see each other from time to time, as Jos has remarried

,Put my name on the net youll see some of my profile its there for all to see,


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Submission, Keeping it Real, & Men Dating Foreign Women
Posted : 10 Aug, 2014 07:01 PM


Submit...... some thing i wont ever do for any man . after youv been in an abused family and your Mom was raped more than once, and we would have been killed murdered by strangulation you are very weary of men .

And you have to Flee to stay alive then you ll understand ill defend my self this is not what submit is about ,

Im a very strong woman because i have had to be and

i have taken if you like the role of men in life , and thats not going to change ,

i live in the real world of what takes place not some fantisay land as some think we should, plus i dont need a man in my life ,

Just a pity men dont wake up to what they are doing, and why to day many women have had enough of men and thier ways ,

seems in some lands they are still treating us as they did 6,000 years ago, why should we still submit to the same thing and how sad the church,s did what they did to us and still do,

When men understand us and love us as women then we may give of our selfs till then ill not be submiting by force, because that is whats going on,



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What makes you like someone?
Posted : 24 May, 2014 12:48 AM


What is it you like about some one ,

does it have to be how they look, part of western thinking you must look a certian way to be accepted. wrong,

Is it something about this person you cant put your finger on and say i know what it is .

Is it you just would like to get to know this person and find out what makes them tick ,

are you open enough to bear your inner most being to another,

We do as females well many of us do, would i with a man

so you'd have to dig hard and look at why i'm the way i am to find who i really am to get to know me as a person and as a woman,

And yet there is another way. ...YOU....have to be upfront, honest , open and truthfull .

I'v been around people for many years, and many i would not trust in any way, because i could not trust them.

So what do i see in some one i like , they would have to show thier true colour's first and so many dont, or wont, or as we say put all your cards on the table,

i have many lovely friends and i like them for who they are not pretentiious or not wellcoming they are and have proved them selfs for who they are as real friends, and accepting .



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Someone who does not want children
Posted : 19 May, 2014 03:12 AM


I'll answer this in another way, im over 66 and would not be interested in having children apart from not able to any way, we have our own 3 grown up adults and 11 grand children,

and age for myself i love children just i wont be looking after any , unless its our grand kids and we'v done that,
