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Hot Topic: Gimme that Christian Side Hug!
Posted : 9 Dec, 2009 07:26 PM

First of all, this song is completely hilarious.

Second, is the christian side hug a rule that I was never informed about?? I normally hug people the regular way. Side hugs only happen if body position doesn't allow a regular one, or if it's with a person I would rather not have touching me...

I suppose if side hugs are your thing, then that is cool, I leave it up to the people participating in the hug, otherwise, I think it's a little goofy and extreme :P


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too high of standards?
Posted : 9 Dec, 2009 11:12 AM

Generally speaking, I would agree that having high standards is not a bad thing at all. No one wants to settle for less than their best or what they absolutely deserve.

That being said, I think when my personal standards get too lofty, God convicts me that I might be being too judgmental against those people who don't live up to my standards.

My standards certainly can't be any higher than God's, so if a person is good enough for him, then they should be good enough for me. Love covers a multitude of sins and forgiveness can be a pretty awesome thing.

So that's my 2 cents. Or maybe it was 1 cent, I didn't want to ramble too much :P



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First Messages that steal your attention.
Posted : 15 Nov, 2009 12:29 AM

I kind of like the quirky messages the best. Something funny or unusual that grabs my attention or makes me laugh. Also, they get bonus points for referencing something in my profile (hooray if they actually read the whole thing!)

So I'm likely to respond to messages like that.

First messages I DON'T like:

1. Extremely short or vague ones. I mean, if they guy just says 'hey', I feel stumped for a reply.

2. If he asks a question that I feel I've adequately answered IN my profile. I don't think it's too much to ask for someone to read the whole profile before messaging me.

3. If the guy is a bit too intense. I don't want your myspace, facebook, twitter and phone number if I've never even had a conversation with you before.

So that's basically what I like...and what I don't. I hope that helps people who aren't quite sure what to put in a message.


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I want to be a daddy...why does that scare you?
Posted : 14 Mar, 2009 01:20 AM

Well, I don't find it creepy, and I fit that age range.

But maybe it's because I do really want kids, and it would certainly work out better if the man I marry wants kids too.

I do watch men a lot around kids to see how they interact. I want them to genuinely like being with the kids as opposed to putting on show for all the baby-crazy ladies :goofball:

I assume they find it 'creepy' because they question your motives. But don't worry I promise you it doesn't scare ALL women.



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What kind of man do you want? Real or Wimp?
Posted : 14 Mar, 2009 12:58 AM

Excellent post, Leon.

I'm actually really excited you wrote about this topic. Yay!

You put it so succinctly- No one respects a wimp. Too true. I certainly don't. And we all know how important respect is to a man. That alone should spur you to man up. A woman can't go anywhere trying to follow a man who won't step up and lead.

Besides, I think women have this natural inclination to WANT to lead...I mean, I often feel the urge to lead (even though I shouldn't be leading) so it would be very good if there was a man who was man enough to you know, put me in my place. Respectfully, of course.

And also, just to touch on the 'bad boy' subject I was reading a little about...

I am not a fan of bad boys. I often find them to be jerks, and I've dealt with enough jerks to last me a LIFETIME.

I do however think I understand the reason behind their appeal. Bad boys have passion. They have zeal. They are bold. And they don't wuss out. I think that's the reason women choose them over the 'nice guys'.

It would be fantastic to find a man who is genuinely nice, who is respectful and treats people well, but who also has passion...who get fired up sometimes. Who have a bit of a spark. Who are REAL.

In short- if christian men were REAL men, like they should be, they would have all the desirable qualities of a 'bad boy' with all the desirable qualities of a 'nice guy', and would be a strong leader worthy of respect.

Aaaahhh...perfect. :hearts:

Of course, that's just my opinion. Let me know if you agree.



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Do men feel unconfortable with a woman who is more educated than they are and why?
Posted : 14 Mar, 2009 12:16 AM

Oh, I am so glad you asked this question! I'm not a soon-to-be doctor or anything, but I definitely relate to the whole premise of the question. I have been told more than a few times by guys I've dated (or almost dated) that they think I'm either too smart, or way smarter than they are (Note that I'm NOT saying that I am smarter than they are, they just ASSUME I am). At first I thought it was some sort of excuse (why would you dump someone for 'supposedly' being smarter than you?) but I've heard it too many times for it to be a fluke. I assume it's because I've inadvertently made them feel insecure about themselves. It is a bummer though because it has at times made me feel bad about made me wish I wasn't so smart. But that's just me being very very...stupid.

So I assume it's because they feel insecure about their own intellect to date a smart woman, but since I'm not a man, I don't know for sure.