countrybaptist09 is Single in Newport, Ohio, 1


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Male | 34
United States
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Once or Twice a month
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1 or 2 on occasion
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Possibly, who knows
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Education Level
Some College
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In Ministry
God, outdoors,fishing,hunting,camping,four-wheeling,boating,making a difference,family,music,kids
About Me
Hi, my name is Bryan I am 29 years old & I live in Mesa Arizona of the U.S.A. The only reason I'm alive is to believe and receive the supernatural grace Jesus Christ poured out on the cross through his blood so we can just LIVE in complete JOY, LIFE and FREEDOM. We only have to stop TRYING and begin THRIVING in what he has already DONE for us, the rest is just us receiving it ALL. We are HOLY, we are COMPLETE, we are RIGHTEOUS, we are sons and daughters of the King of Kings, we INHERIT everything that Jesus IS, We are VICTORIOUS, our sin nature is DEAD!! We live in our true identity of Jesus Christ and rest in that! Nothing else matters. STOP TRYING TO BE PEFECT AND LIVE UNDER GRACE!!! It is an effortless faith, a love that compels me towards God. We understand his love, we understand NOTHING can separate us from the love of God, that means NO sin can even be seen by God, all he see's is our righteousness. Sin is a product of our desire to be satisfied, filled, in a sense everything that Christ CAN give us but only through RECEIVING his grace. But our attempt to find that satisfaction through our flesh is only a misinterpretation of what we truly long for and that is complete joy, life and peace through Jesus! We only have to receive and he will DO the rest. Faith excludes pride bc pride is when you are focused on yourself, how you can BECOME righteous, how can you get better in this area?? living under the LAW! YOU CAN"T DO ANYTHING BC IT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE!! at the cross God has changed us, God has saved us, God has freed us, God has broken the chains, God has made us NEW, NO MORE SIN NATURE YOU ARE MADE NEW, AND PERFECT!! so stop trying and start resting because that is when "YOU" <--Pride, get OUT of the way and GOD can do a miraculous work that will transform, save, Rock your freak'n world so much you won't even know what sin is anymore! ITS NOT YOU!! living in the majestic GLORY of God everyday and letting the perfect gospel message ooz out of you cuz only God can change the hearts of his people and we can only rest and receive in him. The more you do that he will use the mess out of you for his kingdom ALL for his GLORY!!!!!!
I'm totally in love with my Savior Yeshua Meshua. There's nothing I love more than being in the presence of God. He is my Love, Joy, peace and Life!! I am so honored to be one of his Adopted Children

I was adopted along my two younger brother's when I was very young into a Christian family that already had 6 children and they accepted all three of us in and welcomed us with open arms to become a part of their family, Growing up in the mountains of eastern Arizona was alot of fun, But unfortunately we do not get along so our relationship is very rocky but I keep praying & trusting someday. it will be repaired.I was blessed to play and start all 4 years in high school in Football (Quarterback,Cornerback,)baseketball( Point guard/guard) and baseball( Catcher,third base) God blessed me with being to win two state champions, baseball in my junior year and football in my senior year.

Shortly after 18th birthday I found my biological family through facebook & I found out I had 5 brother's and 3 sisters I never knew I had, so after talking to them and getting to know them all summer I decide that I will move to Ohio to get to know them and be apart of their lives.

Most girls call me a redneck, and honestly I do enjoy a good country song, driving on the back roads in a truck, or riding tearin' up a trail on a four-wheeler but I really am a sight more than that. I enjoy fishing,hunting,camping, I am living in a city right now but boy do I miss the simple country life whether its planting and harvesting my gardens,four-wheeling, and mudding, and I miss riding my horse going on all the trails I built through the years
love everyone till you give me a reason not to like you.
Racism angers me greatly. I do not understand why someone has to treat someone unfairly just because of their skin color,sexual orientation,gender, I am not huge into religion so don't start cramming religion down my throat
Who says you can't love without exactly loving? Who says life was going to be hard, or easy? What about those who feel left out and lost in life? Who feel like they don't belong! What about those who go through life hoping it's their last day?! Ever thought of someone besides yourself?? Why not try it for once instead of being selfish?!!!
How about actually truly caring!!!!
People think they know me but they don't! Think my life is easy? Think again! Nobody lives the perfect life!
I live one day at a time hoping for the best, my childhood was effffed up, but I worked hard to get where I am at now!! You gotta forget the past and move on!! The only people you need in life are the ones who need you in theirs, the ones that care and love you, the ones who know the real you!! Nobody's opinion matters about you except yours!! Live life to the fullest and never give up!! When you think you have nothing to live for think again. Think about the people who are in your life and of what you DO have cuz not a lot of people have what you do!! Be thankful!! Don't be materialistic!!! Love yourself for who you are!! Do things in life for you, not for others!! You can never make someone else happy unless you've made yours .As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.
love isn't finding the perfect person but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly

In February I have decided to come back to Arizona closing out the chapter of most of my biological family up but I am thankful I had the opportunity to do so now I can settle down move on with my next goals of finding her and having a family
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Age between 21 to 40.
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