LionSzeto is Single in Kowloon, Hong Kong (SAR)


Matthew 28:18-20, Mission Statement: World Mission, Church Planting.

Male | 67
Hong Kong
Hong Kong (SAR)
Last Login Date
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LionSzeto is Single in Kowloon, Hong Kong (SAR), 1 LionSzeto is Single in Kowloon, Hong Kong (SAR), 2
Eye Color
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Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
St. Andrew Church
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
pastor and missionary in Hong Kong
listen classical music, play piano and violin, play badminton, take pictures, reading books, writing, travel, moive, learning French
About Me
I am a Hong Kong man, live in Hong Kong. I like simple things, as I am a simple person. I am real single and never get to married. I like beautiful pictures, I am an artistic person and I am a reasonable person. I do not like complex things. I am a simple pure person before God and I see Jesus Christ in face to face (Matthew 5:8). I want my future wife who has a simple and pure heart before God. The most important matters for me is to love God and serve Him and serve people in churches. I like children as well. ( 22/3/2020) And also, I have a dream, when I was in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. At that time, I lived in a house at down town nearby, I had a dream in about 5 pm which was about five parts, in fifth part was about I was in a marry wedding. I had my wedding dream was 24/5/1991 in Edmonton, I believe my wedding dream will be fulfilled soon in future in this year by God's arrangement. ( 1/7/2023)
First Date
My first date would be, watching movie, hiking, eating, visiting a museum, spending some time to know each other and praying together. By God's grace, you can meet me and I can see you in His grace 7/12/2020.
I am looking for a Christian lady who is age of around 18-37, and she wants to have children in future marriage and wants to be a pastor-wife as well as respects me. (21/2/2021) In July, I have a good understanding from God, I will give many blessings and helps to my future wife and as I can help her to become a better person as God wants her to be. And also my future wife who can be a good helper and she can help me to become a better man as I want and God's plan. (31/7/2021) If you like, you can contact with me in Whatsapp, my cellphone is: 852-91688274.
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Any Age.
Must not Smoke.

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