oldfashiondude is Single in wauconda, Illinois


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Male | 66
United States
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oldfashiondude is Single in wauconda, Illinois, 1 oldfashiondude is Single in wauconda, Illinois, 2 oldfashiondude is Single in wauconda, Illinois, 3
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Mixed Color
Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
no name
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
part time truck driver \ retired
Motorcyling, music, and lots more
About Me
What is your description of dating insanity? Dating the same kind of man over and over yet expecting different results or personality? Hows that been working for you so far? I believe you will find with me that though I have typical male traits I am not your typical stereo type male. I have found the best of both worlds and it starts with my faith life. So for starters I am a Christian man, no that doesnt mean I will bang you on the head with my bible nor will I throw scripture at you. What it does mean I value what the bible has to say and I base my life, morals decisions, and how to treat others on its teachings. Spend some time actually talking with me and you quickly see that I am not like most. I have a wild and side know how to have a good time I just control my emotions and actions and I am very picky on who I let into my life.
I actually pay attention to things you like and I will surprise you when you least expect it. I love to helping others, doing things when ever I can, going out of my way to put a smile on someones face but I will not be your doormat. Just because I am nice do not interpret that as dumb or naive. I have a wide variety of things I enjoy doing but what is more important is that the person I am with that we enjoy each others company. I am looking for women who will be my partner, my confidante, my best friend. As I will have your back and you will have mine. Someone I can build up a trust with that no one can break down. I want a woman who can actually talk to me and not at me. I firmly believe in compromise and not get into a yelling match. If theres a problem we need to talk and work it out or the inevitable will happen.
If your the jealous type or have a controlling and or impatient personality we wont be a good fit. I am very easy going and do not sweat the all the small little petty things so many people do. Have you heard of and read the book the 5 love languages ?
I also work at staying in shape and yes I am aware it gets harder as we get older. But I expect that you work out on a regular basis. I tend to be on the shy side until I get to know someone so many times I will look at a profile but not send an email. Its OK to email me first and rest assured I will not assume you are being anything but curious and maybe wanting to get to know me a little better.
Women are always complaining men dont communicate so stop emailing telling me I my profile is to long LOL. I am not looking to date for the sake of dating. I am seeking one woman for the rest of my life. Drop me a line or two you might be pleasantly surprised.
May God always look upon you and smile !
First Date
The important thing here is that we live in the same area. I know we are just meeting to see if there is any mutual interest and or chemistry, none the less I don't want a long distance relationship.
I am not interested in ANYONE from another country. If I cant see you on a regular basis I cant get to know you and what you are really like as a person!

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Account Settings (To message oldfashiondude you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 55 to 70.
Must not Smoke.
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