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Real Estate and hospitality
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About Me
Phew...where do I start?? :)
In 2008 I purchased 3.5 acres of land which is arguably the most beautiful beach location in the bay of Islands of New Zealand. The property has a stunning beach on both sides (i.e. an isthmus) For the last 10 years, with a team of others, Christians and non-Christians have been restoring the 130 year old historic villa on the property. The plan is to develop an evangelism training centre there where I can bring people from all over the world, but also a wedding centre, tourism adventure venue, corporate retreat, water taxi service, apiaries....the list of what is possible here is huge. The plan is to take money from the world and pour it into God's work.

I have a master's degree in Educational Psychology and trained as a teacher (followed by a three year theology degree which was more challenging than my Masters, so my entire 20's was spend in study, putting down a foundation) but am now selling real estate in order to fund/ complete this HUGE project.

I am a published author and newspaper publisher as well so my life is like a roller coaster ride. It's not for the faint hearted. I work very hard and am highly disciplined. Humour is big for me. I'd like to laugh my way through every day if I could, but hey, it's not possible as pain and suffering are part of God's design. Every great adventure in God has many ups and downs. Read the bios of great men of God like Wesley, Luther, or William Booth. If after reading the story of their lives is not enough, read Acts 5: 40-42, which is just one example. After meditating on those verses, then sit back and consider the life of Jesus and Paul the Apostle. Both are bios of lives filled with pain and suffering, but also of great joy. The key is to remain buoyant and faithful when suffering comes, not bitter and angry. It's our choice of what we do with suffering. No one escapes it. As the saying goes, it's the same sun that melts the wax as hardens the clay. If we haven't suffered, how can we truly empathise and enter into the suffering of others? How can we be 'real' with others? How can we be truly human and authentic in our interactions with others? You know the answer.

I go to the gym regularly and am careful with what I eat. I am therefore in fantastic shape. I have been going to the gym since I was 17, and have not missed more than a week since then. If you saw me without a shirt on, you'd go 'wow!' Health is big for me. I have asked God if I can live to 120. I have a lot on my heart to accomplish between now and then. So, let's get to it and accomplish something which has eternal value (2 Corinthians 4:18, my favourite Bible verse). When you die, they put two numbers on your tomb stone with a dash in the middle. It's the dash in the middle that counts.

1000 centurions were interviewed and asked "What would you do differently if you had life to do over again?" There responses could be summarised as follows 1. "I'd reflect more". That is to say, I'd get off the treadmill of life from time to time and reflect on what really matters in life. 2. "I'd take more risks" That is to say, live life more on the edge than in the safe zone. 3. "I'd do more things that live on after I die". Only a fool would ignore this tri-fold advice, and at the end of life, I don't want to be counted among them. I constantly live life with the end in mind. Martin Luther, the Protestant Reformer was once asked "What's been the most important day in your life?" His answer? "There are only two days. Today, and THAT day." By THAT day he means the day he dies and meets God face to face. Martin lived everyday like it was his last.

I truly want to leave this world having contributed hugely to God's work and to leave a legacy that others can step into and continue i.e. like Wesley and the Methodists movement, or William Booth who started the Salvation Army. Booth said this: "I will tell you the secret: God has had all that there was of me. There have been men with greater brains than I, even with greater opportunities, but from the day I got the poor of London on my heart and caught a vision of what Jesus Christ could do with me and them, on that day I made up my mind that God should have all of William Booth there was. And if there is anything of power in the Salvation Army, it is because God has had all the adoration of my heart, all the power of my will, and all the influence of my life."

I don't think God has all of me yet, but each time I have been crushed by life, and by heartaches and disappointments, He's got a little more of me. I try to forgive people quickly and not hold grudges. Sometimes I have found that hard to do. Living the Christian life authentically and truly is hard – very hard. Have you ever tried loving your enemy?

I'd like children so if that is you as well, let's not beat around the bush. Time is short. Children are an incredible blessing from God, and life all the richer with them in the midst. As Fyodor Dostoyevsky the Russian novelist and philosopher said “The soul is healed by being with children.” All the more so when they are one’s own!

I also love to talk and engage in good discussion about literally any topic. I am affectionate

Do I drink wine? Yes, with a meal. I see it like salt and pepper. It adds to the meal. By the way, there is a simple way to enjoy wine. Open the bottle and let it breathe. If you don’t see it breathing, give it mouth to mouth.
It’s on my bucket list to sail around the world in a yacht with my wife and family. Adventure. We only come to this planet once, so why not see it all first hand, and bond as a family doing it? Imagine the family memories created? At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling. Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.
My age might sound old, but if you saw me, most people think I look mid 40's. So don't be put off by a six and a zero :) It's just a number. My body and my mind are my most valuable assets, and I am working hard to preserve them both. My body carries my mind, will, spirit, and emotions. God only gives us one body and one mind in a life time, so I look after both meticulously, because they can't be traded in. Still not convinced that marrying an older man is out of bounds? For some men, that could be true, but it's not for me.

If you'd like to come and help me, be my best friend and helpmate, and if we click while working together let's go to the next step (s). The is nothing in this life more beautiful than the deep and Christ centred love between a husband and his wife, with children.

I need a helpmate and friend, not a competitor. Someone grounded and stable. You'd also need to have a fantastic work ethic, because I do. If you are the right person for me, and me for you, I'd like you to be thinking "How can I add value?" This is not 'my path' that I am on. It's God's path and God's project. So this profile is an invitation to join in with something hugely challenging and exciting which God is doing on the earth right now. This doesn’t mean your gifts and talents and abilities and personality will be shelved. Not at all. On the contrary, if you are right for me, God will use all of you to compliment and add to what He is already doing here.
People describe me as a leader of leaders, which is what I am. I know where I am going.

Christian adventure is the very best foundation for a fantastic life. I have not been in a relationship for while but now I am ready. Doing what I do alone and without a running mate can be a lonely road, hence my coming onto this site. The time has come.

My favourite quote?
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt

If you hook up with me, I'll do all I can to see all your gifts, talents, and abilities flourish and bring out the best in you. This is a man's chief duty towards his wife. I’ll be your protector and leader, under God. I'd be your best friend, and you mine, which is how God has designed it. I don't expect you to be perfect, because I am not. We'd be best friends, walking in humility with God and each other, helping each other become the best we can be, giving God the glory as we go.

And oh, just to finish, and to expand on what I said earlier about laughter, I love to laugh, engage in banter (especially), crack jokes, see the funny side of things. As I said, If I could laugh my way through each day, I truly would. It's by far the best way to live. Laughing also makes a person relentlessly positive! So, always find a reason to laugh. It not only adds years to your life, but it will add life to your years. Sometimes I laugh so hard, the tears run down my leg. See what I mean...you feel better already, right?
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