Trevor23 is Single in Omaha, Nebraska, 1


Looking for someone to share in an adventure

Male | 34
United States
Last Login Date
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Trevor23 is Single in Omaha, Nebraska, 1 Trevor23 is Single in Omaha, Nebraska, 2 Trevor23 is Single in Omaha, Nebraska, 3 Trevor23 is Single in Omaha, Nebraska, 4
Eye Color
Body Type
A Few Extra Pounds
Hair Color
Looking For
Church Name
Steadfast Bible Fellowship
Church Attendance
Once or Twice a month
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Analyst in Securities Industry
movies, reading, writing, video games, music, working out, traveling
About Me

I love movies. I one of my favorites is Memento. I really enjoy a movie that makes me think about it long after the credits roll, but I also love me a fun, dumb summer blockbuster. I'll pretty much watch anything just so I can go to the theater. I also am a huge fan of the Star Wars movies. I love pretty much all of them, even if new trilogy fell a bit short (LOVED Rogue One, though, and Solo was a ton of fun). Back to the Future is another set of favorites of mine. Despite me not really enjoying the original, I think Blade Runner 2049 is an incredible masterpiece in cinema. SO GOOD!

One of my favorite things to do is to curl up with a good book. I read mostly fiction, but I have been known to read biographies and historical works. My favorite author is definitely Tolkien. His writing style is just so incredible! John Le Carre is pretty close behind him, though. I find myself reading most fantasy or science fiction currently.

I love writing, and one day I'd love to write a book or several. Currently I'm not doing much in that front, but I'm working on fixing that.

I recently started living a healthier lifestyle on two different fronts: I don't eat everything that lands in front of me AND I've been working out quite a bit. I lost over 100 pounds over the last year and a half mostly from adjusting my eating habits. I also worked out at home five times a week for a while, but I've recently started going to the gym and hitting it a lot harder. Much to my surprise, I've actually been enjoying it. I've especially enjoyed starting to swim again for the first time in years.

I have a passion for music and I was a drummer in a band (I'd like to do more drumming sometime). As far as what I listen to, it ranges from folk, to punk rock, to movie soundtracks, to pop rock, and now even to rap. My favorite band would likely be Capital Lights, although I've really been liking NF recently. NEEDTOBREATHE is up there too.

I also really like video games. They're a fun way to pass the time and virtually "hang out" with some friends and family that I don't get to see very often. I also love some of the incredible art that developers are able to produce through video games. It really is an under-appreciated medium (sometimes—they can bring out some of the worst in some people).

Well, if you've made it this far, I congratulate you and thank you for your patience. A few closing words: I'm a pretty quiet person, but get me around my friends and I open up. I love to laugh, and I do so quite loudly (I *think* most people find it charming rather than annoying). I very much look forward to having kids someday, but for now I am content simply trying to make it without anyone depending on me. Thanks for reading and I hope you find someone, even if it isn't me!
First Date
Something simple like dinner and a walk somewhere nice. Something where we can talk freely and not be overly distracted.
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Any Age.
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